Friday, June 08, 2007


On Tuesday, we went with friends and picked cherries at another friend's house. I was determined to bake some cherry pies. I didn't realize how long it was going to take to pit them. I pitted 19 cups of cherries. I cannot believe how stained my hands got. I made a pie right away. (The crust didn't turn out the best, but I am out of practice. Kirk said that he liked it - see- I am training him to say the right thing.) Even though the crust wasn't perfect -wow, it was so good. I am not saying that because I made it -but it ruined cherries out of the can for me. I think I ate almost the whole pie. I could not get enough. I made another pie yesterday (the crust was much better) and I am going to make another today to give to some friends. I also froze enough to make 2 more pies later. Daughter and Son #2 loved eating them. Son#2 just sat on my lap and as I pitted I would give him a half of one. I think that I would have had a full 20 cups if he wouldn't have eaten them all. Son #1 said that he didn't like them because they were "dirty and noisy."("Dirty" because another little boy who was picking cherries with us threw dirt into the cherry bucket. I did clean them, but he was not going to forget it. "Noisy" because when he bit into it, he hit the pit and it made a crunching sound.) What am I going to do with him?

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