Friday, July 20, 2018

Living On a Prayer

If you have gone to a Sunday School class for any length of time, you know that there are some answers that will always be correct to say. They are: “God,” “Jesus,” “The Holy Spirit,” “The Bible,” and “Prayer.” Prayer is my answer to everything in Sunday School, and just in life in general.

Praying is something that I have early memories doing. Those memories are not necessarily at meal time, though they involve those times too, but they are mostly the times when I was by myself playing. Being the youngest and only girl, I had a lot of time to be on my own. Talking to God was just a part of that. I have always looked to Him as being my confidant and He has continued to be throughout my life. I will always be thankful for Him being in my life, because quite honestly, anything that I have done right is because of Him. However, I would not consider myself as a “prayer warrior.” That’s what they call the people that “fight on their knees” or are praying constantly on behalf of others. As complimentary as it would be to be called that, I am not there yet.

The other morning, I woke up in the middle of a bad dream. My heart was racing, and it felt real. All I knew to do was to start praying. As I did, I could feel the weight of my thoughts just disappear. Whenever I get in a situation where it feels out of control, I start praying. It might be a few words, but it is to the Almighty God, the only Being in my whole life that I can trust. I always feel at peace with whatever it is after that. It doesn’t change the situation, but it changes me.

Here are a few things I know about prayer: Anyone can pray. You can pray at any time of the day or night. You can pray anywhere. You can speak, sing, shout, whisper, or think prayers. Prayer isn’t about getting what you want, when you want it. It is about pursuing a relationship with God, getting to know Him better. So, don’t pray expecting an answer. Pray expecting to know the Lord better, and then you might get an answer.

If you want your marriage to be better: pray. If you don’t understand your child: pray. If you have a co-worker that is giving you problems: pray. If you are at your last straw: pray. Unsure about anything: pray. Yes, you may be strong and smart. You might not need a Higher Power as quick as I do, because you are very capable, but if you do get in a jam: pray. Don’t forget to pray just to say, “Thank you.”

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)