Sunday, November 14, 2010

Achan's Sin

Last week during Sunday School, I asked my 2nd and 3rd grade students what “thing” did they want in the whole world. Some students said a Ninetendo DSi or an Xbox 360, but I had one who said that they wanted the whole Toys R Us Store and another student, spurred on by that line of thought, said, the whole Walmart store. With that, I led into the story of Achan.
You see, the Israelites had just got done conquering the city of Jericho, in which the Lord told them to spare no one – except for Rahab and her family, burn everything else, except the gold, silver, iron and bronze which would be the Lord’s. I told the students to imagine that they had to go in and destroy any Xbox, Nintendo DSi that they found and burn down ToysRUs and Walmart. Would that be hard to do? Of course. Achan did just that. He stole a beautiful robe from Babylon, some gold and some silver for himself and hid them under his tent. Because of his sin, it cost him his life, his families’ lives, and the lives of 36 innocent Israelite soldiers. Read the story for yourself in Joshua 6 and 7.
Achan’s treasure was worldly possessions. It is easy for us to treasure worldly possessions as well. Many times it feels like we humans would rather pay a tithe to vacations, cars, houses, campers and clothes, than to the Lord. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, He doesn’t need our money. He didn’t need Jericho’s wealth either. He does, however, desire our worship and obedience. Offering time is a time of worship to show where our hearts are. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Please consider where your heart is today and adjust it accordingly.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Wee Little Man

Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a Sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see. And as the Savior passed that way He looked up in the tree and He said, "Zacchaeus, you come down, for I’m going to your house today.

These are the words to a song about the treasured Bible story found in Luke 19:1-10. I have recently taught this lesson to my 2 - 3 year old class. For you who know the story, the exciting part isn’t just about Jesus going to a tax collector’s home. Starting with verse 5 in Luke 19, Let’s hear the rest of the story…..
When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be a guest of a 'sinner.'" But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount." Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.

Zacchaeus is Jewish by birth, but considered a traitor because he and others like him chose to work for Rome as a tax collector. Not just working for Rome, but making themselves rich by cheating their fellow Jews.

I don’t know what it was that made Zacchaeus climb a tree……maybe just the wonder of a celebrity or just tired of being short, but he hung up his pride and he climbed a tree. Jesus saw something in him to want to go to his house. I love Zacchaeus’ response, his willingness to give back. One could say that being in the presence of Jesus most people would feel like they should give, but that is not so for the Rich Young Ruler found just a page before in Luke 18:18-30. Not everyone is compelled to give when they are in the presence of Jesus.

Some might say that they themselves are not rich, they can’t give back as much as Zacchaeus was able to give back. But 2 Corinthians 8:12 says this,
“For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.”
I like the way the way a Bible commentary explains this verse, it says “God accepts the will for the deed. He judges not according to what a man has the opportunity to do, but according to what he would do if he had the opportunity.” God judges the heart.

We don’t have to give such a large amount as Zacchaeus did; we just have to give in the same way as Zacchaeus did. Zacchaeus gave what he could when he had the opportunity – what are you going to give when you have the opportunity to give back for God’s kingdom? As you sit in the Lord’s presence, I hope you are compelled to give in the same way as Zacchaeus did.

Monday, May 03, 2010

The Rock Wall

We had our annual city festival. It is a small deal, but there are several things for the kids to do. It can get costly (it costs $2 just for 1 slide down the big slide). My 7 year old daughter and my 5 year old son decided they wanted to climb the rock wall.

I didn't take time to explain what my son was to expect and I regret it since he had never done it before. I guess I figured that the guys running it would and that he would climb up a little ways and be done.

My daughter has done it before. She looked like a pro!

Anyway....back to my son. He kept going...and going..... I couldn't believe it! Right about there, however, he started crying. He was scared. I think that he didn't know he could come down and so he just kept climbing up.

One of the guys, quickly climbed up there and showed him how to get to the top, ring the buzzer, and helped him down. What an experience for my little guy!

Then my youngest, who is 4 years old, doesn't like big play areas with tunnels and big slides. However, he decided with his brother to go and run through one. He was having a great time until he made it to the top and realized he had to go down a tube slide. He REFUSED! After 5 minutes of crying, I had to have one of the girls in charge go get him and help him down. She just sat him in the slide and made him go down and he did!

It makes me think of the times that we get in a jam and we have to rely on God to help us out. Sometimes the first step is scary. The first leap off the wall is scary until you realize that something is holding you. Remember God is holding you in those tough situations. He never lets go!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Carpenters and the Oak Ridge Boys

I have an old soul. I love the Carpenters and the Oak Ridge Boys. When I hear one of their songs - wherever I am- I smile. Why? Well, because my parents use to listen to that music when I was a kid and it brings back good memories and feelings of togetherness. This is more important as I am grown and I don't see my parents as often. Truthfully, there are many more artists and songs that could be put into that category.

For instance, I love hymns. I am not a great singer, but to sit in church service and sing together with other believers certain hymns can bring tears to my eyes. Of course there are great messages in hymns, but I have great memories and feelings that are tied up in these songs. I feel, in some ways, we can lose touch with these memories and feelings in modern times because there are always new worship songs and we soon stop singing "old songs". Not to say that I am against contemporary music, there are many that I love to sing as well.

My main point to this blog is that it is important to be wise to the music that you are listening to as parents, your kids are watching and listening. What music will your kids say that you listened to while they lived with you? Are you setting a good example in this? What music from your past brings a smile to your face?

Just some things that I was thinking about.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stretching and Growing

The beginning of December I started a new job. I am continuing to babysit during the day, but now I have become a tutor in the after-school program at my kids' school. Kirk picks up the kids as I go to work. It is somewhat similar to the teacher-aid job that I had before I had kids. I was looking and praying for a way that I could bring some more money into our house since we had some added expenses in the last few months. I applied for a job at a clothing store for holiday hours, I got hit upon to "do" Melaluca, and I tried a Newspaper carrier job - none of which worked out. My youngest son is still at home and I feel very strongly about staying home with him until he goes to school. So far I have been able to, but this fall I was worried I wasn't going to be able to stand by that conviction. I am truly amazed how this job presented itself and how it worked out for my family. It truly is an answer to prayer. Praise the Lord!

It has been 6 years since I have done any work outside of the home and church, and in the process of finding a job and then starting this tutoring job, I must confess that it has stretched me. I feel like my brain has become mush. The things I once knew that are academic need to be dusted off, or have been forgotten, and all the things that I have become an expert on in the past 6 years aren't necessarily needed (i.e. - diaper changing, bowel movements, breast feeding, etc.) I have many feelings of inadequacy and many humbling moments. Like the time I started to misspell a word for a child right in front of a teacher. One thing is for certain, even though I do need to catch up in some ways, I feel like being a mother has enhanced me in working with children in a school setting. If only I had some of those skills when I worked as an aid in the junior high.

I have enjoyed working in the after-school program, but there are some challenges that I need to overcome. So I ask your thoughts and prayers as I continue with this job. With my youngest turning 4 soon, that also means that I am going to have to be looking for a job soon. I have never grown up and decided what I wanted to be when I grew up, so I also ask for your prayers as I need to pursue a career path that will also compliment me as a mother and as a pastor's wife. That is very heavy on my heart. Starting this new job and seeking a career path will be a stretching and growing time for me and I just ask for your prayers.

I hope that this new year has started out well for you, and I pray that no matter where you are, you are seeking God and a relationship with His Son, Jesus. God bless you!