Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stretching and Growing

The beginning of December I started a new job. I am continuing to babysit during the day, but now I have become a tutor in the after-school program at my kids' school. Kirk picks up the kids as I go to work. It is somewhat similar to the teacher-aid job that I had before I had kids. I was looking and praying for a way that I could bring some more money into our house since we had some added expenses in the last few months. I applied for a job at a clothing store for holiday hours, I got hit upon to "do" Melaluca, and I tried a Newspaper carrier job - none of which worked out. My youngest son is still at home and I feel very strongly about staying home with him until he goes to school. So far I have been able to, but this fall I was worried I wasn't going to be able to stand by that conviction. I am truly amazed how this job presented itself and how it worked out for my family. It truly is an answer to prayer. Praise the Lord!

It has been 6 years since I have done any work outside of the home and church, and in the process of finding a job and then starting this tutoring job, I must confess that it has stretched me. I feel like my brain has become mush. The things I once knew that are academic need to be dusted off, or have been forgotten, and all the things that I have become an expert on in the past 6 years aren't necessarily needed (i.e. - diaper changing, bowel movements, breast feeding, etc.) I have many feelings of inadequacy and many humbling moments. Like the time I started to misspell a word for a child right in front of a teacher. One thing is for certain, even though I do need to catch up in some ways, I feel like being a mother has enhanced me in working with children in a school setting. If only I had some of those skills when I worked as an aid in the junior high.

I have enjoyed working in the after-school program, but there are some challenges that I need to overcome. So I ask your thoughts and prayers as I continue with this job. With my youngest turning 4 soon, that also means that I am going to have to be looking for a job soon. I have never grown up and decided what I wanted to be when I grew up, so I also ask for your prayers as I need to pursue a career path that will also compliment me as a mother and as a pastor's wife. That is very heavy on my heart. Starting this new job and seeking a career path will be a stretching and growing time for me and I just ask for your prayers.

I hope that this new year has started out well for you, and I pray that no matter where you are, you are seeking God and a relationship with His Son, Jesus. God bless you!

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