Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sleeping Dogs

Sometimes anger is like a sleeping dog, if you let it lie and go about your life it is easy to not think about it, almost forgetting that it exists. When the details start to arise once again- sometimes years later, anger's ugly head rises and the sleeping dog has awaken. The solution is? To forgive. Forgive? Forgive again, again.

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Matthew 18:21-22

And that is a Rebecca Original, brought to you by SLEEPLESSNESS.
This is my last post in 2009. I have not posted for awhile, hopefully I will be better in 2010.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Count Your Blessings

Farmers can be rather depressing. I can say that because I grew up in a farming community in Northwest Iowa and my father is a farmer. They really aren't that bad, except they always seemed to be worried. Any conversation that you may have with one would be about something that they are worried about. The weather is too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry. Some machinery is always broken down or some of their animals are sick. I could go on and on about their daily worries.

When Kirk and I started in ministry, we started in a farming community very similar to my hometown. Of course, our church had many families whose livelihoods involved farming. Every year at Thanksgiving time, as many churches do, the church would take up a special Thanksgiving offering. Every year the farmers would start their worrying that the Thanksgiving offering would not amount to much because that year had not been a good year for the farmers. And each year there would be more money in the Thanksgiving offering than the year before.

I could be wrong in my assumptions, but not only do I think that farmers are worriers, but I think that they can be some of the most thankful. They understand that even though they shed blood, sweat, and tears, all of their crops can be ruined in an instant. That they could be up all night with a sick cow and calf and both the cow and calf could be dead by morning. They live with these situations daily. They are constantly reminded that they have little control. It is mentally important for them to be thankful.

Leviticus 7 gives the rules for the Peace Offering. The Peace Offering can be offered to the Lord for Thanksgiving. Even though we do not have to offer sacrifices as the Israelites did in Leviticus, I think that it is appropriate to say that today we too can give our offerings out of our thanksgiving to God. It may be difficult for us to find much to be thankful about. Maybe you have lost a job, or you are sick. Maybe you are having marital problems or you are having difficulty with a rebellious child. I could go on and on about reasons why it is hard to be thankful.
Here are the lyrics to one of my favorite hymns:

When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy that you are called to bear?
Count you many blessing, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at other with their lands and gold,
Think that God has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings - wealth can never buy
Your reward in Heaven, not your home on high.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your Journey's end.

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done.

(I am sorry if I offended any farmers. I have complete respect and love for the farming way of life.)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

When Did You Learn To Tie Your Shoes?

When I was a kid it was expected for kindergartners to know how to tie their shoes. (It took me until I was in Kindergarten and I think I was the last one to figure it out. I remember getting yelled at by my P.E. teacher for not knowing how to.) It still is a part of the list of what a kindergartner should be able to do and I am sure many do. I am guessing that the more shoes have become tie-less, there are more and more children that don't know how until they are older.

My daughter is one of those children. She is in 2nd grade and just today when she was getting out the tennis shoes (we still are wearing sandals in CA) she asked to learn how to tie. We have shown her before - a long time ago, but because she is older now, she picked it right up. I would work with my 5 year old on the skill except he doesn't own a pair of shoes that need to be tied.....someday.

By the way, the outfit that she is wearing in the picture was just purchased at the thrift store yesterday. I am glad that she still doesn't mind wearing used clothing. And that is the latest news at the Evans' house.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

One T.V. Rule

I have a rule for myself - the importance of one t.v. in the house. May I also say that this isn't my husband's rule. If we could afford it, I am sure that we would have another T.V. in the house. Let me back up - we do have a 2nd t.v. but it is not hooked up for channels. They can watch videos on it and is usually only used when we have a Bible Study and we want the kids to play in their bed rooms.

There are many reasons why it is important to have one T.V. 1) It makes it easier to monitor what the kids are watching. 2) It is important to learn to compromise and share. 3) It brings the family together. Sometimes we sit down and watch a cartoon with the kids, but we might not do that if there was another t.v. to go and watch. And 4) I think that it is helpful in not watching too much t.v.

There are times, like today (Saturday) when I wish that we had another television. Kirk could watch college football all day, and it gets a little old. But I am thankful for our DVR and it causes me to get more done around the house and with the kids. Lately, I have been reading more books. Having only one t.v. is a good discipline that I hope that will continue in the Evans' house. If I have my way, then we will continue the one t.v rule.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My Piranha Hour

I don't know if you read Max Lucado, I do occasionally. The other day I read about how everyone has a piranha hour. I immediately knew when mine was - as soon as the kids get home from school, Monday through Thursday (thank goodness for the weekend!) There are always papers to look at, things to put where they belong, homework to do, pet chores to do, supper to prepare, the table to set, the meal to clean up, baths to take, and then bedtime - which includes potty, prayers, and a drink. I didn't include breaking up disagreements or taking care of crying children. I also didn't include the fact that I am trying at the moment to potty train a child who doesn't want to potty train. I know that my husband has been at work all day and needs to unwind, but how maddening it can be for him to sit there as I am being attacked by piranhas. Kirk can be sitting on the couch watching T.V. and I am obviously busy, yet the kids still come to me for help finding shoes, finding toys, etc. CRAZINESS! My piranha hour was so exhausting last night that I remember sitting down and watching t.v., but I am unsure how I got into my bed.

Max Lucado was trying to help the reader remember how Jesus handled moments like these - with love. I know that I don't always handle my moments with love. I mean, really, I would be super mom if I told my children a thousand times to put their things away and was loving about it. AND I may not be thinking very loving thoughts about my husband as he sits oblivious to the fact that I am being eaten alive! Obviously I need a new system. I am working on that. One that will help with the love factor that sometimes goes out the front door as the children enter it.

I am being a little dramatic when it comes to my piranha hour, but it can get hectic. You may have one too. When is your piranha hour? Any suggestions to getting mine a little less hectic?

2 Timothy 1:7 "God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control."

Have a blessed week!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

My parents get us a Reader's Digest subscription every year. One of the features that I enjoy in each issue is the"Word Power" section. Each issue I try to conquer "Word Power" by selecting the correct meaning of about 15 words. I have yet to get them all correct. Just when I think I know a word, I turn the page and realize that I chose the wrong definition.

That is me with people too. Just when I think I understand how to deal with people, I turn the page and realize I was wrong. Trust me, I get people's definition's wrong all the time! When you are wrong while dealing with people, it can sting a lot more than when you get an answer wrong to a silly quiz.

Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 10:27

Sometimes that is a lot harder than it sounds, but it is a command and I need to continue to strive for it even when I am hurt. Have you been hurt recently? What I have learned in this latest episode is to not take the hurtful words too personally and try to understand that person - what is their definition. Also, praying for that person may be hard, but it is another way to understanding and loving the people that hurt us.

I could just give up on "Word Power," I will probably never get them all right - but I keep trying. It is the same in dealing with people - I can't give up trying to treat others the way I would like to be treated.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Abortions and the Government Healthcare Plan

As many of you already know, I am pro-life. I have been from the very first time I heard about the topic of abortions. Even though, I have written 2 research papers on the topic when I was younger, it wasn't until much recently that I decided to have an open mind about it. It started last fall when I took a Constitution class and preparing for the Roe vs. Wade discussion. I wanted to look on all sides of the issue and try to see it from another point of view. Since then, I have continued in my research. I am left with an even more conservative view than ever. There has been a time when I allowed for cases where abortion could be warranted. For instance, to save the life of the mother. That couldn't be very many cases could it? But then I am faced with why is an abortion okay even then? Isn't that life still precious? Of course you do all you can to save the mother's life, if the baby's life is lost than it is lost. Death comes to us all. If a baby can't survive out of the womb, than it can't survive, but why does it have to be terminated through abortion? I am sure, that each case has it's own circumstances, but I feel that it is not for us to decide that an unborn baby's life should be terminated at all!

I know the topic of abortion is hard. Some people might think that I am judging them about having an abortion or their pro-choice position. I am not. I am not here to judge. I just want everyone to research this topic and continue to research it. Look at all sides of it. You may change your mind, you may not.

The real reason why I am writing about abortion yet again is because of an email sent to me from American Family Association. The article's title is, "Democrats Guarantee Abortion Coverage in Obamacare." They also show a video of a California Democratic Congresswoman, Zoe Logfren, who admits that abortion will be covered in the bill.

Of course, I wanted to research a little bit more into this because it has been said by many that abortions wouldn't be covered in this bill. According to, it will be included into the bill. Some Americans maybe okay with it, however, I am not. If you aren't okay with this, then it is very important to talk to your representatives. Another interesting article that I found was at a site called, Newsbusters .

When the Constitution was written, they never mentioned unborn babies. Since they are not mentioned, then they do not qualify as a person and therefore, not protected. Since every born person as an American citizen has the right to privacy, women have the right to abort the fetus. Her body, her right. Now, let's just say that the Writers of the Constitution would have known that this would be an issue, do you think that they would have mentioned it? I think so. Do you think that if the Writers had the technology that we do now, to see the unborn baby in all it's developing stages, that they would have made mention of unborn babies being American citizens? Absolutely, I do. Do you think that the Writers of the Constitution wanted to include African-Americans as citizens? No, but I am glad that now we do. You see, just because the Writers of the Constitution didn't physically write that unborn babies are American Citizens, does that give us the right to terminate their life because it is inconvenient to us? I am not saying this to pass judgment or heap on guilt. I just want to acknowledge it. I don't want to sweep it under the carpet and try forget it. If you want a few more thoughts along this line, go to "What did Roe vs. Wade Really Decide in 1973?"

Which side are you on? Maybe it is a good time to decide.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Matt Bronleewe

I have gone on a reading rampage. I do that every once in awhile. In a couple of weeks I have read a total of 7 books - fiction, that is. I get lost in the characters and the story line, it is like a vacation. I have done this ever since I can remember. I have to cut myself off, however, because I have no self control. Once I get into a book, I have a hard time putting it down. Being a mother of 3, you can imagine that would not be a good thing. As you may suspect then, my house is in disorder. Leaving children to play, while I am buried in a book can be disastrous. So, I am done reading fiction for the time being, unless you count Junie B. Jones, First Grader books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, and other books of that caliber.

Either at Christmas or my birthday -I can't remember, my husband Kirk got me 2 books. When I saw them I just set them aside and thought to myself that my husband just doesn't understand the kind of books that I like to read. However, after my sister-in-law came to visit and she looked through them, like I should have done, we discovered a treasure. Both books were the second in a set, so I had to get the first one from the library. I started with the Raven series that I wrote previously about. I just recently finished reading the other series. The books are written by Matt Bronleewe and are about a rare book collector named August Adams. He is an Indiana Jones type character. Very exciting and I think that you should read them. Maybe my husband gets me after all... you think?

Friday, August 21, 2009

The King Raven Trilogy

I love to read. I have ever since I can remember. I don't like to read just any book. Usually it needs to be historical with adventure, some fantasy and of course a little romance doesn't hurt. Since having children, reading books is something that I don't do very often. However, when I do, I go on a reading binge. My latest find? Thanks to my sister-in-law and my husband it is "The King Raven Trilogy" by Stephen Lawhead. He takes the story of Robin Hood and reworks it. I truly enjoyed the books and am left hoping that if there ever was a man like Robin Hood, that Lawhead's story is close to the original.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

My husband purchased a book called "Crazy Love." I noticed it's cover, but didn't look inside. While I was at CIY this summer, I noticed it was in the selection of books that they were selling. So I became a little more interested in it. When I got home, I browsed through it and decided that I should read it.

One thing this book isn't is "Charismatic." It isn't . It isn't a page turner. I wasn't excited to turn the next page, however, it is a heart pricker. If you have a chance, I recommend this book to you. Let me know what you think. How do you describe your love for God?

"Because when you are wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." - taken from the back of the book's cover.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Chick Flicks

You know what I mean...movies that really are made for "chicks" - girls. I actually don't watch movies very often. I hardly ever go to the theatre. Usually, the movies I watch are either t.v. programming, or pay-per-view. A few weeks ago Kirk and I decided to "get" a movie - "pay-per-view." Of course, what usually happens, we watched a show that he wanted to watch. You know, a "guy show." It happened to be the latest show that Clint Eastwood was in, maybe, "Grand Turino"? I fell asleep through the middle, but I woke up for the grisly ending. Truth be told, it had a good point, but there was much blood, anger, violence and cussing. So not so much a movie for me. My husband, decided that the next movie that we would watch would be a "chick flick." I smile about this as I am typing. Kirk Evans, watch a chick flick - right! But one evening, we did sit down and we went through all the movies that I was interested in watching. Of course he wasn't interesting in any of them. If he had to be interested he picked the movie, "He's just not that into you."
Interesting concept, but as the movie wore on, this PG-13 movie left me feeling uncomfortable. I don't know if it was the fact that my husband was sitting next to me or what. Maybe I am getting too old, but the suggestions that they make and innuendos were not funny. Of course it wasn't completely bad, but I think we wasted money for this pay-per-view. The movie I really wanted to get was "Confessions of a Shopaholic."
Kirk was positive that he didn't want to see this movie, so I waited until he wasn't around and I purchased it. I think that he may have enjoyed it. So I am recommending it to you. It is not a perfect movie. You can check out what PluggedIn has to say about it. One of the things that I didn't like about the movie is that I would have much rather watched it with another "chick", isn't that what chick flicks are all about anyway?

(A side note: I don't watch movies very often because of the money it costs to purchase them. Most movies, even though they may have a good message, have a lot of garbage. "Garbage in, Garbage out." It is just as well, that I don't see them anyway.)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Last week, I attended a MOVE Conference with 7 of our highschool students. I love, love CIY (MOVE). I figured out that I have attended 17 conferences!(I think. Sometimes years start to run together.) I went without my kids and the ONLY reason that I did was that my parents came from Iowa to watch them. Not only that, my brother Tom and his family came as well. We had the weekend together and then Kirk and I left for CIY's MOVE conference at Biola University. I would love to show you pictures, but I have recently discovered that in the rush of everything, I deleted all the family pictures that I took. I am hoping that my mom and sister-in-law will share!

Being gone at MOVE was the longest that I have ever been away from my children. I have been away from them overnight - and that is it. Even though I about cried on the morning that we left, I really was okay the rest of the week. I am really thankful that I had the week to not be a mom and just be Rebecca again. I read 2 books, I didn't have to clean or cook, and I spent time with my husband. PLUS, there were a few times that I actually became a kid again. It was a blessing.

It is interesting that this summer's VBS was about the story of Exodus, our Sunday School Lessons are on the story of Exodus, and MOVE was about the story of Exodus. Just maybe, there is a lesson that we need to learn. MMMM. I am still reflecting on some of the lessons and I hope to fill you in on more of them later. If you ever get the chance to go to a MOVE conference, even as a sponsor, I recommend that you do it. It can be very challenging, if your heart is in the right place.

Not only was it nice to be away for the week, but it was nice to come home. My kids needed the interaction with the extended family without the parents around. I can see how they have grown and changed. And I think it has made our relationship better all around. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! You blessed us!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Palo Alto
When we went to the beach on Tuesday, we went to Seacliff State Park. Once we got to the beach, we couldn't help but notice a shipwrecked-looking ship attached to the pier. In the above picture you can see it in the distance. I love a good story and I needed to figure out the history of this ship.

The Palo Alto is a concrete ship that was built as a tanker to be used in WWI. It was built by the San Francisco Shipbuilding Company in Oakland, CA for $1,500,000. She was launched on May 19, 1918 - too late to be used in the War and so she just set. She was bought by the Seacliff Amusement Corporation and taken to Seacliff State Beach a few years later. A pier was built leading to the ship and she was fitted as an amusement ship. It had a dance floor, heated swimming pool, and a cafe.
I am sure it was quite a sight to behold and many glamorous people found their way to this ship, but after just 2 seasons, the company went broke because of the Great Depression. That winter, after a big storm, the ship cracked at it's midsection. The ship was stripped of all its finery and sold to the State of California for $1. It became a fishing pier. As the ship deteriorated, she became unsafe and closed to the public. Now, she remains and serves as an artificial reef for marine life.

If you are into humanizing non-living objects like I am, what a sad life for this ship. To only be used for it's intended purpose for a short while, to live a glamorous life for a couple more years and then for the rest of the time not be used at all. I wonder if there are people who feel that way. They have had a couple glamorous years, but the rest of the time they have been used and abused by people and now they feel ugly, harsh and cruel. Fear not! God loves you no matter where you have been. 1 John 4:9-11 says, "In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."

Obviously, this ship is not human. One day it will all be swept away. It is just a thing. Just think of all the money that went into building this great ship and now look at it. It is not worth anything. Thankfully it is not the same for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior, we were bought at a price and now we are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

If you are ever at Sea Cliff State Park. Take a look at the ship. Remember the cost.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Beach, A Picnic, A Sandcastle, and Sunburns
We have been extra busy the last few weeks, so Kirk decided to take a break and take us to the beach. We went to Sea Cliff, a state park. It was a very enjoyable day. It was sunny, but at first cool enough for me to wear my jacket. As soon as we got there we had our picnic lunch.
Then they started to work on the sand castle. My oldest and my youngest didn't stay at it the whole time.

My youngest got cold.

My daughter loves to look for shells. Notice that she is wearing her sweater with her swimming suit.
It was really easy to hang out at the beach all day! Kirk and the kids also flew a kite and played with a soccer ball. Earlier in the day I put sunscreen on the kids and wiped the excess on my arms, but the weather was cool and we were having so much fun that Kirk and I didn't put sunscreen on ourselves. It was at the end of the day that we realized that we were burned and it wasn't until we got home that we realize how burned we were. I didn't have it as bad because at least I wiped the kids' excess on my arms. Of course Kirk took his shirt off, so his whole torso is red - poor guy. We are just now feeling better. We knew better this time, but next time we will for sure not underestimate the sun. Other than the burn, we had a great day at the beach!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The 4th!

We went from the busy-ness of VBS to the busy-ness of moving the church nursery and the fireworks booth. Last week was a little stressful on my husband and I, but it is over and now we are moving on to new and better stresses! Kirk and I didn't celebrate the 4th until the 5th and the 6th because we worked in the fireworks booth - one of our main fundraisers for our youth group. On the 5th, our church had a big circle of celebration and on the 6th, we as a family did some fireworks. All in all, we had a great weekend.
This is the caramel apple pie that I entered into the auction. It went for $40!

We sold fireworks at the circle of celebration and as a joke someone put this sign on my kids.

The kids enjoyed having their bikes there to ride around.

What is it about dunking the pastor? The VBS kids got to dunk Kirk because they raised $1000 for the weekly mission. Steve also took his turn in the dunk tank. I think he got the raw end of the deal because the breeze came up and the sun went down and it got cool.

The fireworks show!
Hundreds of dollars gone in an instant.
I hope you had a happy fourth as well!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

We Had Fun At Crocodile Dock VBS!

Kirk is great at doing the back drop for VBS. Here he is fishing off of the dock!

This is the crocodile puppet I made. I couldn't have done it without my friend Paula. She showed me how to build it. She was the mastermind of it. She built one for the preschool VBS, so we did ours together.

Every year I think that I like that year's VBS the best, but I really liked this year's VBS. The lessons were good, although I had some technical difficulty. (We liked the Tuesday's lesson about the plagues, Wednesday's lesson about the Passover made for a lot of questions for parents on the way home, and Friday's lesson about the crossing of the Red Sea was easy and fun) Of course the songs were fun.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Birthdays Part 2

This is the cake that I made for my middle child. He just turned 5. I drove all over to find this pan, so I don't know if it was worth it, but he was impressed.

My daughter just turned 7. She wanted a High School Musical cake and since they don't make pans for that, I came up with this on my own. A new thing I tried was a new cake recipe - a chocolate cake. The Car cake was yellow and the HSM cake was chocolate. They are both box cakes, but I add other ingredients to make them firmer and easier to work with. They were both yummy. My next cake I hope to add filling! I also hope that I can take a cake decorating class sometime before the next birthday. I have a lot to learn.

I can't believe that they are 5 an 7! We had some friends from New Zealand that made the birthday party extra special! The Brooks family!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Birthdays Part 1

The month of June holds my 2 oldest children's birthdays. Grandma and Grandpa Steele sent presents in the mail. You may notice that my youngest son also got a present - his birthday was in February, but I never told Grandma what to get him, so he never got a present from them. Grandma and Grandpa sent him a present with the other kids' presents. It was just as well, since he doesn't understand birthdays yet and he was feeling a little left out.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


We put the 2 oldest kids in non-competitive t-ball. It is through a local church. I am really pleased with it. Every Tuesday they have practice and every Saturday morning, they play a game amongst themselves. It has been really fun. My daughter has shown some skills in catching and throwing. My son is a real go-getter. He is always running after the ball.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last Days of School

My daughter finished her first grade year of school a few weeks ago. Before school ended, she was a giraffe in a school play - she was not not too thrilled about that.

This is her first day of school compared to her last day.

She got the Responsible Citizen Award.

She loves to climb on the monkey bars.

Thus the end of first grade. August will come before we know it and we will have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartner. Hope you are having a happy summer!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Communion Devotion - "The Door of Humility"

It was my turn to do a communion devotion last Sunday. I really struggled with some different thoughts going through my mind, and I was not feeling the ambition to study them. I was praying about my dilemma one night and all of a sudden an idea popped into my head. It was a post that my dad wrote on his blog, Silver Bullets, called "Bethlehem in Prophecy." It wasn't the fact that the post was about prophecy, it was his picture and explanation about the Church of the Nativity. I wasn't for sure how it was all going to come together, but I was surprised how it did.

When God works in the lives of others - even in small ways like writing a communion devotion, I am not surprised. I know God works that way, but when it happens in my life - it is surprising and humbling. Do you know what I mean? I know that God popped everything in my head, so I could write this communion devotion. Now, that is a lot of pressure. This devotion better be good, right? I guess you will just have to read it and decide for yourself. It gave me something to think about at communion time and maybe that is enough.

In Bethlehem today, there is a church called, "The Church of the Nativity." This church is the traditional site of the birth of Jesus. The main door into this church is so short that even a short person has to bend over to enter. The door is called, "The Door of Humility." Bible commentator, William Barclay, said this of the door, "There is something beautiful in the symbolism that the church where the cave is has a door so low that all must stoop to enter. It is supremely fitting that every man should approach the infant Jesus on his knees."

Humility - Jesus had it. It is the theme that runs through the birth, the life, and the death of Jesus. Philippians 2:5-11 says, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Communion time gives us the chance to reflect on Jesus' humility and remind us of the necessity of our own humility. As we take the juice and bread that represents Jesus' blood that was shed and His body that was broken, may we humbly remember that Jesus made himself nothing so that He could die on the cross for our sins, and so that we can live together with Him. It is supremely fitting, for us to approach our Lord, the risen Savior, on our knees.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Haircut

I don't get haircuts very often. I haven't found a place that I love yet. I have a friend that cuts hair, but our schedules don't always coincide. So I just keep putting off getting my hair cut. I can't even tell you the last time I had gotten it cut! I wanted to get my haircut at Easter and that didn't happen. Then came Mother's Day and it still hadn't happened. My hair was so bad that I was always wearing it in a pony tail. This past Saturday, I had my 3 kids plus 3 more kids for most of the day. Then I took my 3 kids sandal shopping - it was not fun. After we got home from shopping, I was very stressed from the day's events. I decided that I didn't care who cut my hair, I was going to get a much needed hair cut. Out I went. The first place I went was closed for the evening. I had a feeling that I was going to find that most places were going to be closed, so I just started praying. Many people would think that I am silly for praying for a haircut, but for most of my life, I have found myself praying when I am unsure about the situation, no matter how trivial it seemed. I ended up spotting a place and when I pulled into the parking lot, it was unclear whether it was opened or not. The sign had some numbers missing. There was an sign that said "open". The lights were on, but I couldn't see any people. I just decided to try the door anyway and lo and behold it was open! I walked in and there was a lady cutting a guy's hair, although she looked confused when I asked for a haircut. She had me sit down while I waited for her to finish. When it was my turn, she was very nice and did my hair just the way I wanted it. During the course of the haircut, after talking about our families and so on, I find out that they were suppose to close at 6:00 and here it was almost 9:00! Crazy! I was shocked! I was still in shock when I paid, that I didn't mention that I wanted to add a tip to my charge and I forgot to ask her name. I had been thinking about her all weekend after that and as much as it is out of my comfort zone to do this, I wrote a thank you note with a tip and dropped it off at the hair dresser's. She wasn't there, so I hope she gets it. Getting my hair cut may have been a trivial thing, but it was definitely a blessing!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

For the last 3 years, Kirk has been making me a Mother's Day meal. He will find a recipe and take the time to go to the grocery store and make the marinade from scratch. It is usually something that I wouldn't make and it is always a treat. This year, Kirk made Salmon with honey-mustard sauce, coleslaw, and an ice-cream stuffed orange. It was all very tasty! There was another fish that Kirk made with a citrus marinade, but he couldn't remember the name. Click on the links and it will take you to the recipe.

And here are my kids!
It was nice to sit and enjoy my new patio.
I hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Easter Sunday

I already had something for my youngest to wear for Easter, but I found these shirts and ties on sale at JCPenney and I couldn't resist. I kept looking for a dress for my daughter, but the cheapest I could find was a dress for $18-$20 and then I found one for $12 at Costco. So I was pleased with the kids' outfits. Why is it so important to dress up at Easter? I don't know but I can't help myself.

The Marshalls came for church service. The baby in the picture is theirs. I was working in the nursery and he came to visit. I couldn't keep him happy, so his daddy had to come and help. Then we went home and had Easter dinner together. It was a nice day to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection with our friends.

Grandma Helen sent stuff for the kids' baskets, but I added to it. It is funny, though, my mom maybe once got us stuff for Easter. I never got an "Easter basket." How times change! I harbor no bad feelings, though.

Also, notice our backyard. Kirk and I worked most of the day Friday to get grass in the backyard. It was nice to take pictures on green grass! Kirk has been working hard to get our backyard done! He has been putting his flair on the backyard - he definitely is artistic! You need to come and visit soon and see it for yourself.