Saturday, October 03, 2009

One T.V. Rule

I have a rule for myself - the importance of one t.v. in the house. May I also say that this isn't my husband's rule. If we could afford it, I am sure that we would have another T.V. in the house. Let me back up - we do have a 2nd t.v. but it is not hooked up for channels. They can watch videos on it and is usually only used when we have a Bible Study and we want the kids to play in their bed rooms.

There are many reasons why it is important to have one T.V. 1) It makes it easier to monitor what the kids are watching. 2) It is important to learn to compromise and share. 3) It brings the family together. Sometimes we sit down and watch a cartoon with the kids, but we might not do that if there was another t.v. to go and watch. And 4) I think that it is helpful in not watching too much t.v.

There are times, like today (Saturday) when I wish that we had another television. Kirk could watch college football all day, and it gets a little old. But I am thankful for our DVR and it causes me to get more done around the house and with the kids. Lately, I have been reading more books. Having only one t.v. is a good discipline that I hope that will continue in the Evans' house. If I have my way, then we will continue the one t.v rule.

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