Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Faith over Covid-19

Eighteen years ago, the church we were at studied Hebrews 11 – the Faith chapter. We were encouraged to memorize the chapter and even though I am terrible at memorizing, I did it. I am forever grateful for that exercise because it has brought me much comfort.

This morning I woke up thinking on it, my mind reciting parts of it without volition.  
Here is the Message version of Hebrews 11, it is a good read:

We may be feeling a lack of faith right now. Unsure of the future. Hesitant to accept these new guidelines. What about our jobs? How do we pay bills? What about our health? What about others’ health? What about church? If we don’t have church, does that mean we are letting the World dictate us when God is supposed to? How am I going to handle being cooped up for ? weeks with my family? or with no family?

Please have faith. God will work. He works in you. You are God’s hands and feet. You will encourage others. Reach out to people. Not necessarily physically, but through technology or the mail. Be ready to serve when needed. Pray for those who must work – medical workers, public servants, politicians, pastors, etc. Be healthy – eat well, exercise, get rest and follow all the guidelines to keep others safe. Do all of this because if you are called to help you want to be the healthiest you can to meet these challenges. This is where faith steps in. We can’t see these invisible germs, but God can. Don’t put yourself at risk on purpose but know if you are needed - God is there too.
Faith over fear.
Faith over Covid-19.