Saturday, May 02, 2009

Easter Sunday

I already had something for my youngest to wear for Easter, but I found these shirts and ties on sale at JCPenney and I couldn't resist. I kept looking for a dress for my daughter, but the cheapest I could find was a dress for $18-$20 and then I found one for $12 at Costco. So I was pleased with the kids' outfits. Why is it so important to dress up at Easter? I don't know but I can't help myself.

The Marshalls came for church service. The baby in the picture is theirs. I was working in the nursery and he came to visit. I couldn't keep him happy, so his daddy had to come and help. Then we went home and had Easter dinner together. It was a nice day to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection with our friends.

Grandma Helen sent stuff for the kids' baskets, but I added to it. It is funny, though, my mom maybe once got us stuff for Easter. I never got an "Easter basket." How times change! I harbor no bad feelings, though.

Also, notice our backyard. Kirk and I worked most of the day Friday to get grass in the backyard. It was nice to take pictures on green grass! Kirk has been working hard to get our backyard done! He has been putting his flair on the backyard - he definitely is artistic! You need to come and visit soon and see it for yourself.

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