Monday, August 17, 2009

Chick Flicks

You know what I mean...movies that really are made for "chicks" - girls. I actually don't watch movies very often. I hardly ever go to the theatre. Usually, the movies I watch are either t.v. programming, or pay-per-view. A few weeks ago Kirk and I decided to "get" a movie - "pay-per-view." Of course, what usually happens, we watched a show that he wanted to watch. You know, a "guy show." It happened to be the latest show that Clint Eastwood was in, maybe, "Grand Turino"? I fell asleep through the middle, but I woke up for the grisly ending. Truth be told, it had a good point, but there was much blood, anger, violence and cussing. So not so much a movie for me. My husband, decided that the next movie that we would watch would be a "chick flick." I smile about this as I am typing. Kirk Evans, watch a chick flick - right! But one evening, we did sit down and we went through all the movies that I was interested in watching. Of course he wasn't interesting in any of them. If he had to be interested he picked the movie, "He's just not that into you."
Interesting concept, but as the movie wore on, this PG-13 movie left me feeling uncomfortable. I don't know if it was the fact that my husband was sitting next to me or what. Maybe I am getting too old, but the suggestions that they make and innuendos were not funny. Of course it wasn't completely bad, but I think we wasted money for this pay-per-view. The movie I really wanted to get was "Confessions of a Shopaholic."
Kirk was positive that he didn't want to see this movie, so I waited until he wasn't around and I purchased it. I think that he may have enjoyed it. So I am recommending it to you. It is not a perfect movie. You can check out what PluggedIn has to say about it. One of the things that I didn't like about the movie is that I would have much rather watched it with another "chick", isn't that what chick flicks are all about anyway?

(A side note: I don't watch movies very often because of the money it costs to purchase them. Most movies, even though they may have a good message, have a lot of garbage. "Garbage in, Garbage out." It is just as well, that I don't see them anyway.)

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