Monday, August 31, 2009

Abortions and the Government Healthcare Plan

As many of you already know, I am pro-life. I have been from the very first time I heard about the topic of abortions. Even though, I have written 2 research papers on the topic when I was younger, it wasn't until much recently that I decided to have an open mind about it. It started last fall when I took a Constitution class and preparing for the Roe vs. Wade discussion. I wanted to look on all sides of the issue and try to see it from another point of view. Since then, I have continued in my research. I am left with an even more conservative view than ever. There has been a time when I allowed for cases where abortion could be warranted. For instance, to save the life of the mother. That couldn't be very many cases could it? But then I am faced with why is an abortion okay even then? Isn't that life still precious? Of course you do all you can to save the mother's life, if the baby's life is lost than it is lost. Death comes to us all. If a baby can't survive out of the womb, than it can't survive, but why does it have to be terminated through abortion? I am sure, that each case has it's own circumstances, but I feel that it is not for us to decide that an unborn baby's life should be terminated at all!

I know the topic of abortion is hard. Some people might think that I am judging them about having an abortion or their pro-choice position. I am not. I am not here to judge. I just want everyone to research this topic and continue to research it. Look at all sides of it. You may change your mind, you may not.

The real reason why I am writing about abortion yet again is because of an email sent to me from American Family Association. The article's title is, "Democrats Guarantee Abortion Coverage in Obamacare." They also show a video of a California Democratic Congresswoman, Zoe Logfren, who admits that abortion will be covered in the bill.

Of course, I wanted to research a little bit more into this because it has been said by many that abortions wouldn't be covered in this bill. According to, it will be included into the bill. Some Americans maybe okay with it, however, I am not. If you aren't okay with this, then it is very important to talk to your representatives. Another interesting article that I found was at a site called, Newsbusters .

When the Constitution was written, they never mentioned unborn babies. Since they are not mentioned, then they do not qualify as a person and therefore, not protected. Since every born person as an American citizen has the right to privacy, women have the right to abort the fetus. Her body, her right. Now, let's just say that the Writers of the Constitution would have known that this would be an issue, do you think that they would have mentioned it? I think so. Do you think that if the Writers had the technology that we do now, to see the unborn baby in all it's developing stages, that they would have made mention of unborn babies being American citizens? Absolutely, I do. Do you think that the Writers of the Constitution wanted to include African-Americans as citizens? No, but I am glad that now we do. You see, just because the Writers of the Constitution didn't physically write that unborn babies are American Citizens, does that give us the right to terminate their life because it is inconvenient to us? I am not saying this to pass judgment or heap on guilt. I just want to acknowledge it. I don't want to sweep it under the carpet and try forget it. If you want a few more thoughts along this line, go to "What did Roe vs. Wade Really Decide in 1973?"

Which side are you on? Maybe it is a good time to decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be afraid to heap some guilt on people. There are times when people should feel guilty then they may turn to the One who can do something about it. Conventional counseling technique argues against it, but I disagree.

--Hawkeye Gold