Friday, September 11, 2009

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

My parents get us a Reader's Digest subscription every year. One of the features that I enjoy in each issue is the"Word Power" section. Each issue I try to conquer "Word Power" by selecting the correct meaning of about 15 words. I have yet to get them all correct. Just when I think I know a word, I turn the page and realize that I chose the wrong definition.

That is me with people too. Just when I think I understand how to deal with people, I turn the page and realize I was wrong. Trust me, I get people's definition's wrong all the time! When you are wrong while dealing with people, it can sting a lot more than when you get an answer wrong to a silly quiz.

Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 10:27

Sometimes that is a lot harder than it sounds, but it is a command and I need to continue to strive for it even when I am hurt. Have you been hurt recently? What I have learned in this latest episode is to not take the hurtful words too personally and try to understand that person - what is their definition. Also, praying for that person may be hard, but it is another way to understanding and loving the people that hurt us.

I could just give up on "Word Power," I will probably never get them all right - but I keep trying. It is the same in dealing with people - I can't give up trying to treat others the way I would like to be treated.

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