Sunday, May 15, 2011


When I was in college, I helped a college friend in his youth ministry. He created a t-shirt for the youth, it had "LOSER" written across the front of it. Of course, "loser" wouldn't be a label that most people would want to be labeled with. The idea of the shirt comes from Matthew 16 verse 25, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for me will find it." I was reminded of that verse recently as I was watching a t.v. program featuring a preacher from Australia. This man preached a sermon backing up this thought, "No mature Christian who is seasoned in the Word has any defend-able excuse for living their life offended." His point? If you are dying to self, if you are losing your life for Christ, if you are carrying your cross, than life looks differently and you can't be offended.

After I got done being offended, okay maybe not offended, but rather, convicted, I had a "ah-ha" moment. How many times have I let myself be offended? Instead of losing myself for Christ, I was losing myself for myself.

I also got to thinking how sometimes we American Christians become offended by the offering. Maybe you have been. "How dare someone tells me that I need to give money." "They are asking for money again?" Or "you need to give above and beyond." Let's not get into the whys and why-nots, but let's take a look at 2 Corinthians 8:2. Paul is telling the Corinthian church about how the Macedonian churches gave. He says, "Out of the most severe trial, their overwhelming joy and extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity." No matter what trial you are going through, do not let the offering offend you, rather as the Macedonian churches did, I pray that with the joy of the Lord, you will see how you can be generous.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I just wanted to let you know that I still check your blog once in a while to see if my favorite daughter blogger has a new post. But even superwoman has to make priorities--she can't do everything. I love you, Dad