Sunday, December 03, 2006


My church does a ministry every December that is an interactive nativity. People come from all around to become part of a family going from Nazareth to Bethlehem to pay taxes. Along the way they see a map maker, Roman soldiers, other Jews, the Wise Men, the Shepherds and the Angel, beggars, thieves, the tax collector, the Bethlehem marketplace, the Innkeeper, and then Mary and Joseph. My husband and I are tour leaders. We become a Jewish family who take the group of people on the mile journey. It is amazing how many people that came through and how many lives that are touched by the ministry of our church. We get around 8,000 - 10,000 people to come through. This is the 10th year for our church to do this and it gets better every year.

It has really made this time special for me and it jump starts the specialness of the holiday. I wish that everyone could come and participate in this ministry. I hope that you will take time during the busyness of this Christmas season to remember what is really important and make it extra special.

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