Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Finished!
I have been trying to read a chronological Bible for about 4 years now - from beginning to end. I would be doing really well, reading a little everyday and then other days - not at all. The thing I discovered about reading the Bible from cover to cover is that it is hard. If you know me very well, you know that I love to read. I can't just read anything, it is something that has to tickle my fancy. And when I get into a book, I can't put it down until I am done. I have been known to read all day and all night just to get a book done. Well, since I have had kids that doesn't happen too much - okay not at all. It is not that I didn't get into reading the Bible, there were times I did. There were other times, however, that I felt that it was too hard to read - my mind was bogged down with all that I was reading. So then I wouldn't read for months, until I finally would get the nerve to start again. Well, today I finished it. I am feeling excited that I finished it, but my heart is still digesting some of what I read in Revelation. That is a heavy book. Whew!

I had meant to finish by the first of January, but that didn't happen. My new goal is to read the Bible in a year. Right Rebecca, it took you 4 years to finish the Chronological Bible - what makes you think you can do it in 1 year. Well, I am seeking your help. I am hoping that you will check up on me and keep me accountable. I have an actual Bible that is set up to read in 1 year. I am going to start in the month of February. It would be even more exciting if you read with me. Think about it.


Paul Steele said...

How are you coming with your reading little sister? I started reading through my One Year Bible on January 28 in response to your challenge. I just thought I would check in to see how you are doing and to remind you that there are people reading.

Rebecca said...

Yes I am reading. Although I must say that I already got behind. I got caught up today. Thanks for the accountability. Paul, I am glad that you are reading.
