Friday, February 16, 2007

Mark 1:40-45

Mark 1:40-45 talks about Jesus healing a man who had leprosy. Jesus asked him to not tell anyone, but to instead take an offering. But what did the man do? Of course, he went and told everyone. Why did Jesus do this? Of course He had to have known that this man wasn't going to do what He asked.

I know as a parent that I am always disappointed when my children do something after I have told them not to, especially if it is something that could hurt them. After this healed man told everyone, Jesus had to stop going into a town openly, but He stayed outside in "lonely places." The Bible says that people still came to Him from everywhere.

I just wonder what the consequence is of this man not doing what Jesus asked him. Is that what Jesus didn't want? He didn't want to have to stay in lonely places - He wanted to be able to walk about freely? Is that just a testament to how God works? - to be able to make a negative into a positive. Even though Jesus couldn't walk about openly, He still ministered to people (vs 45.)

I don't know if my questions quite make sense. I just think that God could do anything so what is the point of Jesus telling that man to not tell anybody except to give him a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing. And that is my conclusion. We can make a decision to do what Jesus tells us to or not. He may not be happy with our choice, and there may be a negative that comes from it, but He can always turn that negative into ways that Glorify Him. Thank Goodness for that.

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