Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good-Bye Duck Friends

As many of you know, at the beginning of the summer we had about 20 chicks, 10 ducklings (4 were geese), and 10 turkey chicks. Kirk thought that they would be a good addition to our VBS. Unfortunately, a fox got into their pen and killed all of them except 3 ducks and 1 goose. Ever since, we have had them at our house. When they were little, we enjoyed being outside with them.

Unfortuately, babies grow up. We just didn't have the room for them and we have been considering what we should do with them. After having considered butchering them, we found a duck pond for them to go to instead.

I didn't have a camera with me and it was late Friday night when we dropped them off, so we went back today and they are doing great. They won't leave each others side. Our 3 year old had a hard time leaving them. He cried the whole way home on Friday night. He was much happier today when we went to see them. The kids had a great time chasing all the ducks around the pond. I bet they were glad to see us go. Good-bye duck friends.

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