Monday, September 10, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

Karen Carpenter use to sing a song called "Rainy Days and Mondays." It was about how those things, "always get me down." Well no more - not me. Rainy days and Mondays don't get me down anymore. In fact, I look forward to them. Living in the part of California that I do, it doesn't rain all summer. It does start raining until sometime in the fall and goes off and on through the spring. It gets so dry here in the summer that I long for the rain. Doesn't rain make everything feel so fresh and new and clean? I can't wait for rain. I am praying for rain - isn't that another song?

And Mondays. Who likes Mondays? Well, now that I am a stay-at-home mom and a wife of a minister, I enjoy Mondays. The weekends are always so busy that Mondays are my let down day. A day to get everything refreshed and start a new busy week.

Thank you God for rainy days and Mondays.

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