Monday, December 10, 2007


Every December, our church does an interactive journey to the manger. We dress up in costumes and take groups of people on a mile long walk. They get to meet a mapmaker, run into beggars, cross the Jordan, be interrogated by Roman soldiers, talk to a broken down Jewish family, meet the Wise Men, talk to shepherds while an angel appears with a wondrous message, become accosted by robbers, experience the demeaning tax collector, shop in the Bethlehem marketplace, get turned down at the inn, and see baby Jesus with his mom and dad in the stable. It is really quite the experience. I wish that I could show you pictures, but cameras aren't allowed, as it would take away from the experience of going back into time and it may scare our real life animals -( we even have a camel!)

This time can be a lot of work and very tiring. On busy nights, the tour guides walk the trail 5 times. It can be cold and wet. There are times we don't get home until midnight. There are times we do this ministry just out of duty and with an unwilling heart. But how can one be around so much Truth and not be blessed at least once. Our journey to the manger is such a great start to the season. It truly is a blessing. I want to end my post today with the lines that people hear when they come into the stable and see the baby Jesus.

Tour Leader's wife: Family, look! There's the baby. It's as the angels have told us -"A babe, wrapped in swaddling---" look, it's Joseph and Mary from Nazareth!

Leader: The Messiah! Family, we have found the Messiah!

Singer: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Singer's Comments: This is the final scene. We hope that we've brought a meaningful portrayal of the events that led up to the birth of Christ.

Permit me to share with you the message of this special birth. Through our disobedience, we were separated from our Creator and a penalty had to be paid. Our Holy God loved us so much that He provided a way to pay that penalty and bring us back to Him. Somehow, God came to earth in the form of a baby, born of an earthly woman - truly God, truly man. And Jesus willingly took the punishment we deserved upon Himself and died at Calvary on a cross, that we might be forgiven and set free. It would serve us well to think seriously on these things as we celebrate this Christmas season. Wise Men still seek their Christ.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas. May God richly bless you this coming year. Shalom.

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