Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ant Bites and A School Project

At the end of last month we did mulching at the church and the kids got into some red ants. One week later, my 3 year old's bites flared up. This picture doesn't do them justice. It kind of scared me. I did several things - I gave him some Benedryl and I put baking soda paste on them. I did the Benedryl thing once a day for several days. Now, about 2 and half weeks after he was bitten, the bites are finally almost gone.

My daughter had a landform project due. It had to be a landform in California. She chose Lake Alpine. The teachers gave us about 2 months to do this project at home - there was also a journal involved. In true Rebecca form, we waited until the last minute. One Tuesday evening a friend called me and asked me how I was doing the project with my daughter and I said, "When is that due?" And my friend said, "This Friday." So it was a rush to get it all done. Hopefully we won't have any more projects this year. However, next year, with my son in Kindegarten, I will have to get 2 projects done. I wonder if parent's should get graded as well.

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