Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sex Begins in the Kitchen

I am in the middle of this book written by Dr. Kevin Leman. What I like about this book is that it isn't a book that you have to read with your spouse, like so many marriage enrichment books seem to be. I can read this by myself. It is unlikely that my spouse will even try to read this book. I know this because he has yet to read any of the other books that we have. He would score major points if he did read it, however, he already scored a little by saying that he would be interested in reading it. Just saying that he is interested is a good start. I hate to say this, but the title may be the only reason why he is interested in reading it. Thank you Dr. Leman.

I want to recommend this book to all of you who are married, whether you have been married for a few months or for many years. Your spouse is valuable. Remember when you were first dating or first married - that person was so special to you. Sometimes those feelings of specialness disappear because of curve balls that come at you through your life.

If you are not happy with the state of your marriage, now is the time to do something about it. Spring is the perfect time to rekindle this love. Just as in spring when everything is coming back to life after the winter months, so can the love that you feel for your spouse.

In the book, Dr. Leman says, "If you want to change somebody else's behavior, the best thing you can do is change your own behavior first." Remember, that person that is your spouse might not be as special to you as he/she once was, BUT he/she is special to God. They have value! That is one important reason to work at learning what makes your spouse so special, AGAIN!

I want to encourage you to keep working on your marriage, you will be blessed if you do!

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