Friday, July 13, 2007

What do you do at 3:00 a.m. and a baby that is wide awake?

Here I am typing with one hand holding my 17th month old. He won't go back to sleep. He woke up around 11:30. I am frustrated, but I don't want him crying and bothering the rest of the family. I have to get up and clean a house in the morning. I am regretting staying up to watch LOTR: Return of the King with my husband tonight. I have some thoughts on that - I will try to post later.

I just got an forward from a cousin - it is memorial video of Ruth Graham. After I watched it, I became very inspired. Of course, everyone is going to say nice things after you die, but it seems like she was an exceptional mother and wife. If you would like me to forward it to you, just let me know.

Hope you got a good night's rest, treasure it.

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