Whispered Memories
Have you met Rebecca Steele from Sutherland, IA?- South O'Brien Graduate. Well, I met her again briefly. I was placed back in time yesterday. My mother took me to my high school. I walked the halls and I had glimpses of another time that I hardly remember. I heard whispers of past conversations and glimpses of embarrassing moments. I saw my senior picture in the class of '94 picture frame mounted on the wall. Who was that girl? - I hardly remember her. In the 13 years since I have graduated this is just the second time I have been back in those halls. The highschool looks great, they have added on and remodeled. Later that day I walked into where I went to elementary and middle school. It isn't a school any longer. Where the gym used to be there is a swimming pool and where classrooms used to be, they are now apartments. Just walking through the halls took me back to another place and time, it really was quite strange and sad really. It seems like a lifetime ago. It has left me feeling a little melancholy. My memories are mostly happy, but now I am filled with "I wish..." Mainly, "I wish that I studied harder."
Our airplane trip to Omaha was pretty smooth. The two oldest did really well. Son#2 on the other hand made the trip a little rougher. The last hour and a half he finally slept, so I could finally relax. Thank you for your prayers. Besides the trouble with my youngest, everything worked out perfectly. It definately could have been worse. We miss daddy, but we are enjoying family. For some, it has been 1 year since we have seen them. I will post pictures when I get back.
Our airplane trip to Omaha was pretty smooth. The two oldest did really well. Son#2 on the other hand made the trip a little rougher. The last hour and a half he finally slept, so I could finally relax. Thank you for your prayers. Besides the trouble with my youngest, everything worked out perfectly. It definately could have been worse. We miss daddy, but we are enjoying family. For some, it has been 1 year since we have seen them. I will post pictures when I get back.
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