Thursday, August 02, 2007

My Trip to Nebraska

As, I have written before, my three kids and I traveled to the Midwest for a 14 day visit. What a whirl-wind. We landed in Omaha and I was met by my sister-in-law and niece - Pam and Sarah (they live in Omaha and we were going to spend the night with them since we arrived at 12:20 a.m.) and we were also met by my parents. They were going to let me use their mini-van on my trip in Nebraska. They were dorm parents at Camp Nebowa, so it wasn't too long of a trip for them.

I had a good visit at Pam's house. We saw her other daughter, Jessica. Cathy, another sister-in-law, stopped by and her daughter Allison. It was so good to see them. Cathy's husband passed away in May. Kirk went back for the funeral, but I stayed home. It was really touching to see them and talk to them. They are really sweet people and I am so sorry for them. I do know that Doug loved the Lord, so it is very comforting to know that.

We drove to 2 hours to visit my mother-in-law and father-in-law. I think the highlights of that trip for the kids were going to the pool and their County Fair. The highlight for me was being able to see Amy's family and James' family (Kirk's younger sister and brother). The only sibling that I didn't get to see was the oldest, Cindy. We had a good visit, but it only lasted four days and then I was off to my parent's farm in Iowa. I will write more on that tomorrow.
We love you Grandpa Duane and Grandma Pat.
Thanks for all the fun we had.

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