Friday, August 03, 2007

Camp Nebowa

On Tuesday night of my stay at mom and dad's we took a trip to Camp Nebowa in Onawa, IA. They are on the camp board and they had to go to a meeting. This is the place I had my first "boyfriend" and my first kiss (Okay, it wasn't a real kiss on the lips, but it was close). I worked there as a gopher for the cook, Jim Blake, and then as the salad lady for my mother when she was the cook. I made a lot of friends there and have had some great times. Some of my favorite times are playing tricks on the cook or taking moonlit canoe rides with Jamie Cooper, Jason Cooper and Ben Hedger.

On this trip, I got to see Nate Powell, Kelly Turney, and Mr. Cravatt (all from my Nebraska Christian College days). But the most important person that I got to see was Jill (Fiscus) Killian. My roommate from college. She is one of the nicest people that I know. When I called her at the last minute to tell her that I was going to be there, she made a special trip to see me. Even though we don't always stay in close contact, I love her, she is great and it was great to see her cutie kids.Son #1, Son #2, Daughter, and Grandma looking at the beautiful sunset over Blue Lake.

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