Saturday, August 04, 2007

The main reason that the kids and I came back to the Mid-west this summer was the fact that my Grandma and Grandpa Huff were celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary. I haven't seen them or made it down there in 5 years - My daughter was just 6 weeks old.

It was a little apprehensive for me because I hadn't been back for awhile, but it was great to see everyone and visit. Almost everyone showed up for at least part of the weekend (we were missing one cousin that is stationed over seas). On Saturday we took family pictures. Of course my kids were having issues and I couldn't get them to smile. The Daughter said that she was embarassed because there were so many people there. Son #1 was just grumpy. I even tried bribing them with an ice cream cone and then threatening them. Nothing worked until the last few pictures, I think that Daughter finally smiled. Afterwards she asked me if she could have that ice cream cone. I never clarified that she had to smile for every picture, but I didn't give into her. I told her that she needed to smile in every picture and that she missed out.

Some of the highlights for the kids were going to the city pool that was reserved for our family and great-grandma's fish pond. I think that only 2 or 3 kids ended up falling in the whole weekend, but boy they got messy.

The highlight for me was seeing everyone, especially my brother Tom and his family and my brother Paul. My neice and nephew had grown up so much in one year. That is one thing that makes me sad about living far away, missing a relationship with all my nephews and neices. It was fun to see my kids playing with their cousins, and their Uncles and Aunt.
By this time of the trip, I was getting a little exhausted living out of a suitcase and being a single-parent. The kids, especially Son #1 and Son #2, were having a hard time sleeping and that was wearing on me as well. Besides that, we had a great weekend! In this last picture, Grandma Helen showed Son #1 and Daughter how to put these flowers on their fingers to look like witch's fingers. I guess mom use to do that when she was a girl.

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