Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lifting Weights

If you know my husband and I very well, you would know that we don't work very well together. If we had to compete as husband and wife on one of those game shows - we would probably lose and end up being mad at each other. (Before I go on, I must say that these are all my opinions, not those of my husbands - again we disagree with each other.)

After, almost 9 years of marriage, I am still trying to figure some things out about us. Why we are the way we are and so on. We have a lot of chemistry, sometimes it is great and then other times it is not. The longer that we are together, however, we have mellowed - some. Maybe because I am a female and communicating is very important to me, so I think I start to feel the affects of us not relating as a couple before Kirk does.

My personal opinion is that we need to find a project that we can both do together. This is a difficult task, because the things that Kirk enjoys - I don't necessarily enjoy and vice versa. Well, at the moment we have found it. Kirk and I both need to get into shape. Since I have had 3 babies, my body is not the same as it use to be. Especially after this last baby, I have struggled to get back into my old clothes. I hate having to buy clothes in the next size up, so I am trying to lose the weight. Now Kirk has sympathy weight that he has put on during my pregnancies. So he purchased a weight system and we are lifting weights together in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed. We have stopped watching so much T.V. and we are enjoying being in each other's company. I wasn't so excited about the money spent on this deal, but I am excited that it is working well for us and we have been at it for a couple months.

Of course, just lifting weights isn't going to help you lose your weight. Kirk has started running. He has been running 2 miles a few times every week. I can see that it is making a difference around his waist. Now, I haven't been able to get it together in the running department. I have plenty of excuses that I am sure no one wants to hear about, so I will keep them to myself. Hopefully, I will get it together soon - I would hate it if Kirk lost his weight and I didn't!

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