Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well, I just wanted to post some pictures.
Son #2 getting his hair cut - really for the first time. I have trimmed it up, but never a "all over cut." His hair is so fine that it was hard for Kirk to cut it and he bawled the whole time.
Someone gave Daughter a different bed - they painted flowers and trees on it. So last night, I leave for a coffee date with 2 friends and I get back to find that Kirk made a bunk bed out of the 2 other beds that we already had. He found a spare board in the garage and voila - a bunk bed. We will eventually paint them. The kids love sleeping in the same room together, so we will keep it that way until they are bigger.
Then there is the picture of Son #2 with the ducks. Boy, the kids love those ducks and they chase them all over the back yard. The ducks love having this little pool to keep cool but today they were actually swimming in the big pool.
Someone took a picture of me - which doesn't happen very often. It doesn't matter that I didn't put any makeup on or my hair isn't done, the baby is the cutie anyway.

So back to my coffee date with some of my girlfriends. Avalanche Ranch VBS was exhausting. It took me a few days to recover. Plus, I have had church kids coming over to hang out the last few days, so it is hard for me to let my hair down and relax completely. So Tuesday, I was pulling out my hair - feeling like I was going to go crazy. Kirk noticed it and Wednesday, he took the afternoon off. I went grocery shopping by myself. Then I went out for coffee with these friends. It was a last minute get-to-gether, but it was so wonderful. Kirk did good.

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