Monday, June 04, 2007

VBS Fundraiser and Pre-registration

Yesterday, we had our VBS Fundraiser and Pre-registration. Our theme this year is Avalanche Ranch. So we served chili, corn bread, corn-on-the-cob, snickerdoodles, and a drink. Plus, we had water gun games, horseshoe tournament, cow patty throw, and a dunk tank. We had a good time and a pretty good turn out. The highlight of the night was Kirk sitting in the dunk tank. Daughter and Son#1 tried to throw to dunk daddy. When they missed the target, Tommy lifted them up and they push the button to dunk Daddy! Son #2 got to dunk Daddy too! Several people gave me money - $50, so I got to dunk him as much as I wanted. I didn't use all my turns, but I hit the target three times.

We did have an accident with Son#1. He was climbing up on the dunk tank, when no one was around. One of the kids hit the target and he fell in. There were adults that saw it happen and ran to get him. I was busy taking money and registering kids for VBS, so I didn't know it happened until it was over. I guess he did a good job treading water, but it did scare him - and everyone else. After a little TLC from mommy, he was up running around playing with the water guns.

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