Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Anonymous

I have had someone anonymous comment on my post about Sarah Palin. They gave a link to an article about comments that she made about the pipeline in Alaska. I cannot tell you enough how tired I am with the Presidential election. I am tired of trying to figure out if what the media and opposing campaigns are digging up about a candidate is true or not. I saw an interview with McCain on The View and I thought immediately that they were being extra hard on him, asking him tough questions. Not that I am opposed to tough questions, but I have seen them also interview Obama and that was not the case. I think that it should be fair and that there is too much of a bias on that show. Then I saw the interview with Palin and Charlie Gibson. Here is a man who is suppose to be without bias, and yet his questions seemed to be. AGAIN, I don't care about tough questions, but I would prefer both sides to be hit with tough questions, and AGAIN that doesn't seem to be the case.

The fact of the matter is that both campaigns are mud slinging, both sides are twisting what the other side is saying, and both sides cannot do all that they say they are going to do. I have to admit, following Ron Paul's suggestion and voting 3rd Party sounds like an interesting proposal. If many people do that, it could shake things up a bit. Most likely, I will not do that. I will tell you what I am going to do.

I am Pro-Life. I believe that life begins at conception. There are scientific studies that prove that. Any other studies that prove otherwise are not in agreement when life begins. I am sorry if you have an unexpected pregnancy, I am sorry if it came through unpleasant means. When we live in a world like this, we have to go through hard times. But just because it is in a woman's body, doesn't give her the right to get rid of the life growing inside of her. You cannot convince me otherwise.

I read an article written by a Pro-Choicer. She ended her article saying that life is a crap shoot. You are a crap-shoot. It is luck that we are here in the first place. I feel sorry for her. If you believe that, I feel sorry for you. I see what she is saying, but it is not the case. How can you live your life if it is just a crap-shoot? It is not giving any worth to life. You cannot be a Christian and believe that. God has a plan for us.

I am going to be writing more about my views on abortion. The Constitution class that I am taking is really opening my eyes up to it again. I may fail the class, but I am gaining some new insights.

Dear Anonymous, I probably cannot convince you to vote McCain/Palin for my reason, just like you cannot convince me to vote for Obama/Binden for your reasons. I will not vote for them because of the fact that they are pro-choice. In fact, it seems that Obama opposed the Born Alive Infants Bill. In opposing the bill, he is saying he supports not saving the aborted baby who is born alive. If a man can do that, what kind of a man is he?

I am obviously voting for McCain/Palin. I need a person as President who recognizes the humanity of an unborn baby. We cannot ignore this issue, we cannot avoid this issue, we cannot sweep it under the carpet. It can't be a woman's rights issue, it needs to be a human's rights issue.


Jason Cooper said...

Great points. Not a women's rights issue, is a human life issue.

By the way, Obama if full of it. He made it to the Senate by doing well in his Democratic primary in IL, then had the extreme fortune of having his republican opponent drop out of the race with about 3 months to go, and no viable replacement. The GOP did bring in Alan Keyes to run against him, but with almost no time, budget, etc. to put up a substantial fight.

His "rise" is one of fortune, not accomplishment.


Jen said...

Very well said! I'm totally with you and hope that 'Anonymous' takes a moment to think about this human rights issue before casting a vote.

Rebecca said...

Thanks Jason and Jen for your comments. I was a little fired up after listening to a lecture about Constitution Day! Jason- I had forgotten about how he made it to the Senate in the first place. MMM...