Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Weekly Bible Reading Update

I have been sick. I don't know when I have had a cold as bad as this one. It developed into a sinus infection and I have to tell you that I felt pretty miserable. It doesn't really surprise me though, starting all these life changes and babysitting 2 other children besides my own, I had to come down with something. Needless to say, EVERYTHING, was put on hold. I was just trying to survive the last 2 weeks. I am happy to say that I am feeling much better. I am still suffering from a cough. My kids, as well, are still suffering from cold symptoms. I feel like a bear digging out after hibernation - I look around my house and I think, "what a mess!"

My Bible reading was also put on hold. This morning I opened my One Year Bible to see where I am in my reading - September 2nd! What words greet me at the start of the reading? " 'Everything is meaningless,' says the Teacher, 'completely meaningless.' " Is that a sign? Should I just go back to bed? Thankfully, I know how the book of Ecclesiastes ends. September 2nd's reading ends with this, a reminder of what I do need this day, Proverbs 22:15, "A youngster's heart is filled with foolishness, but physical discipline will drive it far away."

I hope and pray that you are striving for discipline in your life. The more disciplined we are in the way we live, the less foolish mistakes we have to make. I think that is very practical advice.

Another life change that I haven't mentioned is the fact that I am taking a college course. I have decided that I am going to pursue getting my teaching credential. Before I can get into the program, I needed to take a government class. Jumping in with both feet, I got into a Constitution class at the local junior college. As interesting and stretching as it is, I am wondering that it may be too much for me and my stay-at-home mommy brain. (I am not putting down stay-at-home mothers here, I just feel like part of my brain is a little dusty and cob-webby). Depending on how I do on the paper that is due tonight, I may drop the class. I am sure I will update you on what I decide, when I decide.

God bless you this week in staying disciplined in your life!


Sara said...

Bless your heart Becca!
I have to tell you that I am also behind with my reading...I don't have as good of an excuse as you!
However, I too, just read September 2 last night, and have been thinking much about discipline in my own life.

Interestingly enough, on September 2 at OCC's chapel, Mark Scott spoke on the discipline of study. You might be interested in listening to it

I'm blessed to see how the Lord encourages us at just the right time, with just the right people. I'm also overwhelmed at how when even miles separate, the Lord allows His people to live in community with each other!

Thanks for your thoughts..and I hope you feel better soon!

PS...Lori Havens Murillo says hello! I visited her in Dallas last weekend :)

Rebecca said...

Sara- I laughed when I read your comment. Isn't it funny that we are in the same place in the One Year Bible?

Thanks for letting me know about Mark Scott's chapel message. It is actually what I needed today after my college class last night.

It is so great for me to be back in touch with you and Lori. I was so blessed to spend the summer of '97 with you two.

Keep reading your One Year Bible!