Saturday, September 30, 2006

Is Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Boring?

"Sept. 29, 2006 — "Good Morning America" looked at an article that a mother of two had written in London's Daily Mail in July, which said that her sons and their adolescent activities bored her to death.

Not surprisingly, the backlash from outraged mothers, stay-at-home and otherwise, came fast and hard.

But the article launched a real debate on a topic which, until now, women only discussed in private — is being with your children all it's cracked up to be?

It's not about staying home from work, it's about women's real, and sometimes conflicting, feelings about motherhood."

Good Morning America wanted Stay-At-Home Moms to write back their opinion about whether it was boring to be a Stay-At-Home Mom. I decided to write them. Being a Stay-At-Home mom is not boring. What it comes down to is what my mom use to tell me -"Boring is a state of mind, if you are bored than you are a boring person." I think with an attitude change and a game plan, staying at home with little ones can be a lot of fun. I am still a work in progress, but I am getting there.

I think that this debate has a lot to do with what I already have written about - expectations. Motherhood isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I guess a lot of other women feel as I do. Along with staying at home with the kids, there are a lot of chores to go with it. Cooking healthy nice tasting meals(that can be an overwhelming task for those who aren't use to cooking), cleaning (it is amazing how dirty kids are and all the nooks and cranies that they get stuff), saving money, and planning. I could go on and on. My point is that I (and obviously other women) wasn't prepared for everything involved with being a mother. Like I said, having an attitude change is helpful. For instance, I have been working at my cooking skills. Watching the Food Network has helped. The different cooks have taught me that cooking can be easy and enjoyable. I don't dread it as much. I am still learning. I need to work on my feelings about cleaning - but maybe that is another blog. I am just grateful that God helped me change my focus and feelings about motherhood. I am a much happier mom these last few months, although I still have my days. On those days, my kids aren't boring - I am.

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