Saturday, September 30, 2006

My All in All

Why do I depend so much on my husband to be what I need him to be? I can't expect him to be my all in all and fill me up when I am down. As much as I wish he would be, he is only human. I just hate it when he disappoints me. I also know that only God can be that - HE is my ALL in ALL.

There is a worship song that says that.

"You are my strength when I am weak, You are my treasure that I seak, You are my All in All.
When I am down you lift me up, when I am dry you fill my cup, You are my All in All. Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is your name. Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is your name."

Dearest Heavenly Father, Thank you for your continued blessings. I don't deserve your love, but You still give it to me. Help me remember to count on You in my neediness and not on humans. I pray that You will be with me and my husband as we continue to walk together with You in our marriage. Help us learn to treat each other with respect and grow together. In your Precious Son's name - Amen

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