Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So How Many Diapers Have You Changed?

Having 3 little children, changing diapers is a way of life. Of course my husband pitches in when he feels like it - but I am the primary diaper changer. I have 2 in diapers at the moment. My oldest took until she was almost 3 before she was out of diapers and I still have her in pull ups at night. I would really like to get her out of pull ups. I could get up in the middle of the night and have her go - but that doesn't work in my life right now. She shares a room with her 2 year old brother - I wouldn't want to wake him up. The baby sleeps in our room and I would hate to wake him up - he is a light sleeper. I am a heavy sleeper and it is hard to get me woken up when I finally get to sleep. I have started to potty train my 2 year old, but I think I am going to stop and hold off for a few weeks.

So up until now I have approximated that I have changed 8,230 diapers. Can you believe all that money that has been spent? All that money in the garbage, literally. I don't know how mothers use to do cloth diapers. Wow! All the laundry. I use to think if I was a stay at home mother that I would use cloth diapers - I obviously changed my mind. I guess if I was doing the wash, I would be motivated to potty-train a little sooner. What I should do is calculate all the money going to diapers - that should motivate me.

I have been very blessed with diapers for gifts. For my first baby and my third baby I have been given diaper showers. What a blessing! For both babies I had enough diapers to last 6 months. My youngest is almost 7 months and I am on my last package. I have already taken about a dozen packages back to the store because he grew out of that size. So I can't say that I have bought all the diapers. The diapers that I buy are not the expensive name brand kind either. I save between $4-$8 just buying cheaper diapers and they work just as well. I know because I have tried them all considering I had the diaper showers. Just for fun, if I did buy them all at the price I usually pay I would have spent around $1646.

Not only have I changed diapers - some very gross diapers - I have been squirted at by both ends and I have had to help a very constipated child push it out. I have had a child play in it, not once - but twice. She wiped it all over the walls and toys and books. Could you imagine my horror of finding another place where she wiped it weeks later? That was my first, what is in store for my second and third? All I know is that this is a life of a mother - poop, pee - the consistency of it - the color of it. I never knew that I would be so interested in poop. And if I miss my guess, I will someday miss it. Is that true?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rebecca, you make me smile. Love, Mom