Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lost Bunny

The other day we couldn't find our bunny. The cage's door was open and the bunny was missing. My daughter was upset, because she loved her bunny and didn't want to believe he was gone. After a few tears, we prayed for the bunny - that he would find a good home with some other bunnies. In my head, I figured he had been a good snack for some neighborhood cat - we have some big cats that walk our fence line. After we got done praying for the bunny, she wanted to drive around looking for him - I convinced her we couldn't, knowing it was a hopeless cause. The funny thing is, I was sad. I knew that she was sad, and it made me sad. All day I kept thinking and praying for that bunny, even though I knew he was a goner. Well, that evening I was looking out my window thinking about that bunny - and there he was. He had found a good hiding place and was keeping cool all day, but I guess hunger drove him out. My Daughter was so excited about the bunny. I am so glad we prayed about it. Even when I thought that bunny was gone and I felt foolish for praying, I glad we did. She had a positive praying experience. Some might think that God didn't answer our prayers, the bunny was safe all along - but we didn't know that. Besides, the bunny could have been a meal for some cat during the course of the day and he wasn't. Does God care about these kind of things? He has to, this day shaped who she is and her relationship with the heavenly Father. I hope that no matter what the situation is, that we will always go to Lord in prayer.

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