Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Being a Mother with God's Peace

My oldest child had a complicated birth and had to spend extra days in the hospital. Not only did I have to deal with that she was a baby and I didn't know much about babies, but that we almost lost her and now I was entrusted with her care. I did have some anxious moments. I would have dreams that I had lost her and I would wake up anxiously looking for her in the sheets of the bed only to remember that she was asleep in the bassinet right next to me.

I did grow comfortable in my role as a mommy and I do enjoy it. I would have several more kids if all the conditions would be right. Every once in awhile, however, a moment of panic will hit me and all I can do is pray about it. I am in charge of these 3 children's well-being. Wow! I know that I am only human and that I can make mistakes. These 3 children depend on me to take care of them. What if I make the wrong choice. Not only do I have the feeling of responsibility for these children, but I LOVE them. I love their faces, their soft cheeks, their laughter, their kisses. If I would lose one or make the wrong choice for them, oh man, I don't know what I would do? I am getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. That's when I just have to pray. I usually pray for strength and wisdom. Now, I think I am going to start to pray for peace.

I was recently reminded of the story of Horatio Gates Spafford. I had heard the story before but on Sunday when I heard it in the sermon, I couldn't help but to tear up. This man had been financially ruined by Chicago's Great Fire of 1871. About that same time his 1 son had died. Then in 1873, he and his family (his wife and 4 daughters), were to go on a trip to England to join Dwight Moody on an evangelistic crusade. Horatio was detained on business. His family went on without him, but he planned to catch up to them later. The ship that his family was sailing on collided with another ship and it sank. Only his wife survived. This man went on to write the hymn called "Peace Like a River." The chorus goes like this, "When peace like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul." This story is the reason why I need to pray for peace as a mother. This man had been through tragedy, yet He shows us God's peace. My prayer is that whatever happens that I can be a mother that has God's peace.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

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