Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Realization about Me

A few years ago when I was watching Dr. Phil quite a bit, he said something shocking. He basically said that when someone is late, they are self-centered. What? Me? Self-centered? Truthfully, I could see his point. When people are late, they have just been focusing on themselves. IN MY CASE, however, I could not see how that was always true. Well, recently, I have been going through a period where I continue to find myself being late. I seem to go through stages, sometimes I am late and sometimes I am on time. This idea of Dr. Phil's got stuck back into my mind. Self-centeredness. Whoa! To admit that I am self-centered is a big pill to swallow. As I was thinking on this, I realized why I do run late most of the time. I usually have a list of things to get done and I have not allotted myself enough time. I think that I should be able to get them all done. So I hurry from one thing to another. It is an adrenaline rush! Sometimes I get it all done with room to spare, but other times it makes me late. I love that feeling of when I beat the clock and it gives me a rush. Do you understand what I am saying? Have you been there? It is done out of being self-centered - I am thinking about me and what I need to get done, not about how I am affecting someone else when I am late. Just saying that I was self-centered just made me feel guilty, and I continued to be late. Now that I realized that I am addicted to the rush, I can focus on how I can change that. I might need an intervention. What do you think?

By the way, I haven't stopped reading Beth Moore's book, but I got a little bogged down. Hopefully I can get caught up soon. Love to all.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thanks for the new perspective. I love reading your blog and knowing that I'll be stretched in new and challenging ways.