Monday, March 16, 2009

Praying God's Word: Overcoming Food-Related Strongholds

Food - I love it. I have never been super thin. It seems like I have always been the average weight for my age. (However that has changed.) I really was never concerned about my weight, therefore I have never been too concerned about what I eat. I just eat. If I am going to have a slice of apple pie with ice-cream for breakfast or lunch - what is the big deal? AND who said that I couldn't eat half of that pan of brownies that I just made? AND didn't it make me feel good to have the Cold Stone ice cream at 10:00 at night? Do you see what I am doing to myself? Food and I do not have a good relationship. All things are good in moderation and although I am not gorging myself everyday, or most days for that matter, I need a little self-control. I am sure that I am not alone in this. We hear on the news all the time how Americans are obese, choosing poor foods and not exercising enough. Eating is not the only "food-related" stronghold, but not-eating or purging the food that is eaten. I think that you can agree with me that many of us do not have a healthy relationship with our food.

Well, here is the real kicker. It is not so much as our relationship with food, but our relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Beth wrote a great chapter and I encourage you to read it. She ends it by talking about First Place, a Christ-Centered Health Program. If you are struggling with the way you view food, maybe it would benefit you to check out First Place.

Here is one of the Scripture prayers from the chapter:
"Everything is permissible for me - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I desire not to be mastered by anything. (1 Cor. 6:12) Lord God help me to recognize and discern what is not beneficial for me. Help me see that authentic liberty is being free to do certain things and free not to do others."

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