Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Catching Up: January and February

When I started this blog, it was just a way to get ideas. I continued it so I could stay connected to those loved ones that I don't see very often. Lately it seems that I have been blogging on what I am reading about and I forget to update my friends and family. So here it is.....

In January, after we got back from our trip to the Midwest, we started painting.

Our friends, the Marshalls, came over to see us.

Two kitties adopted us. Those cute faces are deceiving however, they had ringworm and they still are in our garage until further notice. I took them to the vet for the ringworm and the visit cost me $200. Plus, I still need to get them fixed.

My daughter's science experiment - about water density.

My youngest son's 3rd birthday. We were so busy around that time that we just did a family celebration. I made a banana cake and it was yummy. The recipe is on my cooking blog.

We are getting Parker a twin mattress. So I needed to get him big boy sheets and comforter.

The church gave us a housewarming. I was surprised at the number of people that came and it was a blessing. This is the pastor's wife and a friend.

Our backyard is unfinished. Kirk, the handyman, decided to till it all up. There were a lot of weeds back there.

Then we decided to level it out. It has a big slope. Let me tell you that it is a big job.

I wanted to throw a party for my youngest son, so when a Wednesday evening opened up, I decided to invite a few friends over. I worked all day on Wednesday to make this cake. I was a little stressed over it, but he liked it. I have to keep telling myself that is what matters.

My sweetheart!

I am glad that it worked out that our friends could come over. It was perfect!

There is little Marshall! He is 7 months and crawling.

Kirk and I also celebrated our birthdays this month. I didn't take pictures, but for my birthday, we planted flowers in the front flower bed. I will try to take pictures of it next month. Kirk and I finally went out for our birthdays last Monday to Red Lobster and no kids. I guess the older we get, birthdays aren't as important. At my son's party last week, my friends also gave me some presents - Kim gave me the BBC's Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth. No kidding - I watched it the next day! My friend Paula gave me a pedometer. I have been counting my steps ever since. Those were great presents! Thank you! Last weekend, Kirk flew back to Iowa to officiate a wedding of one of the kids in our previous youth group. Congrats Cody!

I love you all and have a blessed March. Don't forget to spring forward this weekend!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Your Thomas cake looks great! Kabe was a huge fan & would have been *thrilled* with that!

Thanks for sharing pics of Marshall too!