Monday, February 16, 2009

The Last Sin Eater

I love to read about history. It doesn't matter if it is a biography or historical fiction, as long as it is in story form, I love it!. I have read a historical fiction called, "The Last Sin Eater." It is written by Francine Rivers and it has been made into a movie. You may have heard of it. The idea of a sin eater is very intriguing to me.

The term "sin eater" refers to "a person, through ritual means, who would take on by the means of food or drink, the sins of a deceased person, thus absolving his or her soul and allowing that person to rest in peace," according to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia. This practice has been found in English and Scottish heritages.

These days, of course, this tradition seems to be non-existent, but I have to wonder how it ever came about in the first place? Only God knows how it ever got started because no one would talk about the sin eater unless someone had died and then it was all very secretive. That is how sin grows - in the hiding of it. There is some idea that sin eating came about through the twisting of the command of using a scapegoat found in Leviticus.

This is just another example of human weakness. Whether it was their need for control or their own ignorance, no one can eat a piece of bread and drink the wine place on the chest of the deceased and be able to take on their sins. I can't help but feel sorry for those poor souls who didn't have the hope of the Savior.

To be a sin eater would be worse. To be scorned by everyone and yet this sin eater had to symbolically take on the sins of the whole community. How burdened that person must have felt....How hopeless, full of sin.

I do know Someone who took on all my sins, all your sins, all of the sins of everyone in your city, your state, in the country, and in the world. Not just everyone who is living now, but whoever has lived and all those who will live in the future. I hope you know Him too, His name is Jesus! Again God has amazed me. I cannot fathom what Jesus did for us. I cannot fathom God's love for us - for me!

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, " God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."

Please remember what was done for you. Anyone can accept the gift of salvation. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and we can live forever with Him!

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