Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Lesson

I am learning a hard lesson about motherhood. My children are growing and there is nothing that I can do about it. I stay positive by enjoying the stage of life that they are in, but I can't help but miss the stage of life that they have left because they are growing. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. When I look at pictures and see chubby cheeks that are now no more, I wonder where has the time gone and why does it have to pass so quickly. It is almost like I have to say good-bye to a person and learn about another - it is not so drastic as that because it is a gradual change, but it is a change indeed.

As I was sitting on the couch, trying to write a paper on Supreme Court Justices and whether they should be able to make ultimate decisions about the direction of our society, in comes my youngest, my 2-year old. He doesn't talk much yet, but he understands much of what I say to him. I told him where his brother and sister were and he says his customary, "oh," and off he goes down the hall to get something. His little legs carrying him on an important errand. What a little man he is. He goes to Sunday School now, and I can't think of one time he has cried about it, unlike my other 2, he seems fine with me leaving him in his class. Last Spring, I remember the last time I rocked him to sleep. I remember thinking how this may be the last time I rocked him to sleep and so I sat and rocked him just a little longer just for that reason.

I suppose the main reason for me having such a hard time is the fact that this is my last time to do it. Kirk and I have no plans on having any more children. Little ones depend on mothers so much and we are made to be depended on- in most cases we enjoy it. What a huge task that we sometimes fail in, but what sweet rewards in the times that we succeed. The kisses and hugs we get, even when we don't look or act our best.

I thank God for the blessing of 3 little ones. I hope and pray that I will always remember their sweetness as little people. I hope and pray that as they grow that they will still come to me for guidance and that they will remember what I taught them. Mostly, I hope that they decide to have a relationship with the Lord and will follow Him all the days of their lives. It is for these 3 little ones that I have decided to go back to school, therefore, I need to get back to writing this paper. Have a great week and enjoy the little ones that you have in your life.

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