Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Roe v. Wade

When I decided to take a class at the last minute in August. I had several to choose from. All of them had a waiting list, so there was an equal chance for me to get or not get into any of them. For whatever reason, I felt myself pulled to the class, "The Constitution and the Rights of Americans." At first, I decided that I made the wrong choice. I just wanted a class that I could sit in the back and take notes. That was not this class. As time went on, however, I started to feel comfortable and I have learned so much. What a tremendous blessing it has been to take this class.

Last night we discussed Roe v. Wade in class. I knew it was coming all semester, so I bought a book by Randy Alcorn called, ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments. I also have been frequenting his blog, Eternal Perspectives. I even watched a video full abortion footage. The first time I watched it, I had to stop. I made myself go back and watch the fullness of it. If we are allowing this to happen in our country, I felt the importance of seeing it. It was awful and the images are still etched in my brain. I feel burdened. Last week, I finally read Roe v. Wade.

In Roe v. Wade, the opinion of the Court, established 3 "rules." Paraphrasing, 1) During the 1st trimester, the state cannot interfere with the abortion decision. 2) During the 2nd trimester, the State can regulate abortion, 3)During the 3rd trimester, the stage subsequent to viability, the state can regulate and ban abortion, except to save the mother's life.

These are the rules the professor wrote on the board. Then we went on to look at a chart in our textbook that contained information about our states and their regulations on abortion. I was surprised at the number of states that don't do much in ways of regulating abortion. That is concerning to me. Besides the pro-life advocates out there trying to push legislation, I think that the majority of people who consider themselves "pro-life" do nothing. It is easy to forget about those who have no voice. Because of last night, I have become convicted to become more active in the Pro-life movement. The state of California, where I live, has very few regulations for getting an abortion and I need to do my part in changing that.

I am pleased with the outcome of last night's discussion. I had been doing some research, but I knew that when it comes to debate - I stink. I always forget what I should say until after the debate is over. I did make some notes about what I thought might come up and then I just prayed about it. I know that the Lord was with me last night, because I raised some questions that no one really had an answer to. There were 3 pro-choice girls in the group that were vocal and of course the professor is pro-choice. (He did try to stay neutral.) I got a lot of, "I can see what you are saying..." I have to say that I talked the most in the group, but there were some points that I could not just let hang. I am sure that some of the students were thinking, "there she goes again..." I am hopeful that I planted some seeds. One of them is, "what gives the Supreme Court the right to decide what life is ESPECIALLY if there is a shred of doubt." Roe v. Wade leaves a shred of doubt. Another thought that I put out there is the importance of knowing the facts of abortion and I even reminded everyone that Obama himself said that we should reduce the number of abortions. There was much more that was said last night, but whether seeds were planted in others or not, I know that I have learned much and am grateful that I had the chance. Taking this class was not an accident....

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