Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekly Bible Reading

I am posting a day early and I am several days behind in my reading. I got very sick this past week. The moments I did feel well, were used up doing motherly duties. There were many moments I felt ill and I didn't want to do anything. My daughter also got sick on Friday. I thought I would post today because it is the calm before the storm. This week we are getting ready for VBS and a birthday party on Friday. VBS is next week and then right after that my entire family is coming for a visit. I have so much to do. I might get even further behind in my reading.

I just read the scripture reading for June 12th. The selected passage that I noted this week is in Proverbs on day 10. Gray hair is a crown of glory, it is gained by living a godly life. Better be patient than powerful; better to have self control than conquer a city. We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall. Proverbs 16:31-33

Do you really believe that passage? Some people, Christians included, have a hard time believing that the Lord determines how dice fall. Even wicked old people get gray hair. Is it really better to be patient and have self control than to be powerful and conquer a city. How can that be? I will be pondering these questions and reading the commentary in my Study Bible in the next few days.

I have to go but I would love to hear some of your thoughts. BTW - My husband preached a great sermon today out of Ecclesiates 7:8-10.

The end of the matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions.


Unknown said...

I know how you feel -- we have the VBS thing, the birthday party on this Friday thing, church remodeling problems (not bad) and lots of painting to do there (I am already sick of painting), but worst of all has been the flooding. We had a crazy week with all that, with families in our church losing their homes. Iowa City/Coralville have been much altered from all of this (some much destruction!). I feel stressed a bit as well, but one thing about the flood that makes you realize is "I have my family, I have a home, we have food and clothing. God is good." All else seems not to matter. One of our elders came from India with only 2 shirts and pants, his wife and children. Before this week he had a home, many possessions, and memories in that home. Now he is back down to what he started with. But he praises God that he has more than enough even now. I was just completely humbled this week, and realize I have gotten caught up in a lot of stuff that weigh my spirit down to this physical earth. He actually said he is grateful that he can start fresh with even his stuff, so that he can keep it in perspective. However, we know their family and have been to their modest home. They did not appear to be out of "perspective"! His wife shared with me that they have been in America long enough that they have forgotten what living in a third-world country is like. She said she was very content as a child because she grew up with a few sets of clothes (one pair of shoes) and at least one meal each day, which is more than many had. I wish I had such contentedness, but what I spend at Kohl's annually shows I am not. God's got a lot of work to do in my life, eh? Actually, it really is that I have a lot of surrendering to do yet.

On a completely different note, I wanted to say happy birthday to Faith and Deacon this week. With the flooding, life did not go normally this past week and I didn't get to do any preparing for them. I will either send it or bring it when we come. But tell them we said "Happy Birthday" from our family and we can't wait to see them. We might have to have a birthday party day when we come and get all of the cousins in the mix. I'm sure the kids would love that.

I'll pray that your VBS goes well and that you and Faith feel better; say hello to Kirk and that we can't wait to see the church and hear him speak.

Lots O' Love, Suzi

Rebecca said...

I have been so self-absorbed that I didn't call and see how you were doing. Kirk and I watched footage of the Iowa City flood on one of the news channels. I wondered how you were doing, but felt so awful that is as far as I got. I figured that mom would have called and told me if there was a problem.

The story of the man in your church is very inspirational. I hope and pray that the families in your church and in Iowa City can get what they need. I can't imagine what they are going through. I am glad that your house is okay.

Tell Alex that we said Happy Birthday as well. That is a great idea about a birthday party. I will be praying for your church remodel project and your VBS. We are getting ready to see you all. I hope that you won't be too disappointed, but Kirk may not be preaching on account that Steve will be here by that Sunday. In fact it will be Steve's first Sunday as our Senior Pastor. I am glad that you all will get to meet him though.

Love you!

Unknown said...

Either way, we will still be glad to at least see the church and experience worship there. I guess Kirk can give the lot of us a private preaching session (ha ha)! I hope you are starting to feel better soon, Rebecca!

Love, Suzi

Anonymous said...

The proverbs are general truths--probabilities. Good people are more likely to reach the age of silver hair than are wicked people, but it is not true in every case. As for the dice--who can prove that the Lord doesn't determine how they fall. It wouldn't be a huge problem for Him. He probably is interested in our not making easy money--it is a blessing to be poor so you can be rich in faith.

Celtic Green!!

Rebecca said...

Thanks Celtic Green - Thanks for your wise thoughts. So on account of the dice falling, does the Lord determine how the basketball falls? Is there any such thing as luck? Were the Celtics meant to win the Championship?