Saturday, June 28, 2008

Word Watch and VBS News

I have decided to post a Word Watch on my blog that will contain all the new words that my youngest son, who is 28 months old, is saying. I will probably put it in its own box in the sidebar of my blog. Keep watch for that. His new word is pop (also known as soda, or soda pop).

I am so glad that VBS is over. We had more kids than expected, so that is a plus. I loved the songs that we sang too. Kirk was funny, he dressed up as Professor Wigglesworth. I will post pictures soon. I taught the lesson. I have taught so many lessons that I just take for granted the material. I don't know if I did justice to the lessons this year. I definitely know that God had to help me through my mistakes and it always worked out. I hope that the kids got the Bible Points. I found myself getting goose bumps when I was trying to teach the Bible Truths - it was a weird feeling. I just wanted the kids to understand so badly. The last night, one of the questions was why do we need to tell others about God. One of the groups wasn't saying what I wanted them to say - "Because we want them to live forever in Heaven with Jesus." I wouldn't let them leave until they told me that. The last night's lesson was the best one for me by far, the kids definitely were astonished. It was about Pentecost. I had a man come in that spoke English and Spanish. He pretended to speak just Spanish. I explained to the kids that I had this man come in to speak to us today but I couldn't understand a word that he said. We tried different ways to communicate with him, even trying to speak jibberish. I had the kids sit down and all of a sudden he started speaking English. All of the kids were astonished, that was great! Then we went into the story of Pentecost in the book of Acts. The kids' favorite lesson was probably the story of Peter walking on the water. They got to walk on water too by walking on a solution of cornstarch and water. That solution was my biggest headache. Thankfully, God was right there with me, because I was praying to Him, and it worked! Thank you for everyone praying for me.
As I said before, I will be posting pictures!

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