Saturday, July 12, 2008

27 Dresses

My internet is back up and running. It didn't take as long as I thought it would.

I just got done watching "27 Dresses." I can't stop thinking about it. I am a sucker for "chic flicks." Of course I shed a tear - Why am I so sentimental? Truthfully, they could have done without the bad language and the one night stand. The part that got me was the discussion of the groom's expression as the bride starts to walk down the aisle. Everyone usually stands and they all look at the bride, but that is the time to look at the groom. That is the time to get a good idea about what the groom is thinking. The movie ended with a wedding, of course focusing on the groom at the exact moment and he does what is expected of him - the look of joy and anticipation and awe. So when the movie ended and I sighed a big sigh, you know where my thoughts went? I wondered about the look on Kirk's face when I came down the aisle. BAD, BAD, BAD idea! I try to fix the actor's look to Kirk's face, but that just made him look like the actor and not Kirk. My final conclusion is that I can' t remember and it is probably better that I don't. Wouldn't that be terrible if he wore a confused expression or a look of horror? Good thing a marriage isn't built on the wedding. It takes years and years of confused and horrified looks to build a good marriage. We are still working on it. Almost 10 years down. Were you at my wedding? Do you remember Kirk's face? Probably best that you lie.

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