Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vacation Bible School - Power Lab

I am behind on pictures. Since my husband is gone, I probably will take this week to catch up on old news. We had a great week of VBS, and we had more kids than last year.

Kirk designed t-shirts and I wrote my kids' names on theirs. Aren't they cute! It was my 2 year old's first time going to class. He usually has been in the nursery. He is growing up!

The lesson that I taught this night was about Peter walking on the water. They had to try to walk on cornstarch and water. If they walked fast they wouldn't sink, if they stopped, they would start to sink. It was suppose to take 24 boxes of cornstarch, but because of my mess up, it took 30.

Kirk led the singing for VBS. His name was Professor Wigglesworth and the kids loved his hair and flashy glasses.

Kirk, with the help of a few volunteers, made the set.
The last night of VBS, the highschool kids ran up on stage and helped Kirk with the singing.

I had to video Kirk leading songs. It was real dark in there, so you can't see his face, but the guy jumping around is Kirk. It is a long video, so after the song ends, feel free to shut it off. Kirk starts talking and I let the camera run probably longer than I should have.

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