Friday, July 18, 2008

Communion Devotion July 2008

When I worked as summer intern for Christ In Youth the interns got an allotment of money to use for our meals throughout the summer. I remember eating at some real nice places on a regular basis. Where we were eating our next meal was always a topic of discussion. We would just be getting done with lunch and we would be talking about where we were going to eat supper. The same thing happened when my family from Iowa visited a couple weeks ago. My mom and I were always talking about what we were going to eat next because feeding 13 people for about a week’s time is quite a production.

There is no denying it, eating brings people together. It doesn’t matter what you are eating, but sitting around the table with good friends and family is a pleasure and can sometimes last for hours. That is called fellowship.

We as Christians also partake in a meal called communion. In many ways it is a solemn meal, remembering what Christ did for us. That His body was broken and His blood was shed so that each one of us can have forgiveness of our sins and live eternally with Him in heaven if we so choose. As we take communion it should be very personal, but at the same time it is to bring us together as brothers and sisters in Christ for we have a commonality of purpose. That is why it is so important to be in church, to share in the Lord’s Supper together.

Acts 2:42 says this of the early church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread (in other words, communion) and to prayer.”

As you take communion today, remember what Christ did for you on the Cross, but also consider the common purpose that we all share and take joy in that.


Anonymous said...

It is not easy to get a compliment out of me, but that was an excellent communion meditation! Hopefully, your dad will be able to write as good as you some day!

--Husker Red

Rebecca said...

Husker Red -
Thank you, but it is hard for me to take all the credit. I was a little panicked when I realized I had to do the devotion. Usually I think on the devotion for at least a month. Here I had only several days. My dad gave me a good idea, but I forgot what he told me. All I can attribute this devotion on was that God helped me. I decided on the verse and I did it quick as could be. Lately, I have been nervous getting up in front of the congregation, but last Sunday, my voice wasn't shaky at all. Besides attributing my devo to God, I also think that my dad is a great example to me.